Page 293 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 293

11 July 2014 —
           If  I  understood  how  to  work  my  new-fangled  phone  I
            could do one of them there "selfies" the young folk do
            and show you what I look like with my hair curled up in a
            headscarf.  You’ll  just  have  to  picture  a  WWII  land  girl
            like off of a Miss Marple movie.

           12 July 2014 —
           God  damn  Jehovah  witnesses  disturbing  me  on  Carnival
            Day!  I’ve  got  hair  to  curl  n  wine  to  drink...and  these
            drugs aren’t just going to take themselves! Do I look like
            I’ve got 10 minutes to have a chat about the Kingdom of

           12 July 2014 —
           Why am I struggling so much today? I feel like I’m literally
            dragging  myself  through  the  day  like  someone
            mountaineering into a blizzard, one arduous foot in front
            of  the  other  up  the  steepest  incline,  beating  back  the
            depression  n  the  loneliness  n  the  general  impending
            sense of doom with a giant baseball bat while - all the
            time - people keep throwing streamers over my head n
            tooting  party  blowers  in  my  face  and  a  marching  band
            impedes my way and happy people skip easily passed me
            waving balloons. This Carnival day was brought to you by
            bi-polar disorder, PTSD and their subsidiary companies.

           13 July 2014 —
           I’m only just lifting my sore head off the pillow. I suppose
            fibro  flair  up  and  a  migraine  were  somewhat  inevitable
            after a Carnival. When the Doctors tell me to avoid over
            stimulation I think that probably does include marching
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