Page 290 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 290

1 July 2014 —
           .....and  those  things  where  they  dress  little  girls  up  as
            Brides of Christ! HOW sinister! Everyone’s got the right
            to their own beliefs n stuff I suppose but should it be put
            onto babies n infants?  Just in my personal opinion I find
            it really bizarre.

           1 July 2014 —
           So  I  notice  the  poor  woman  who  gave  birth  in  town
            outside Primark had people crowding round n cheering! I
            expect that’s just what she needed - an audience. (I’d have
            felt inclined to cross my legs ‘til Selfridges)

           3 July 2014 —
           Oh Gaaaaaaaawd. I’m having one of those "You know you
            have    fibromyalgia  moments."  You  know  you  have
            fibromyalgia when  it takes  you  2  hours  to  unpack  your
            shopping n you have to have 2 breaks between doing it.
            I’m so weak I can’t even stand up without leaning against
            something.  Haven’t  managed  the  challenge  of  doing  a
            cup of tea yet and I’ve got every window in the flat open
            n I feel like I can’t get any air.

           You see all these people with all sorts
            of illnesses n they manage to remain
            so positive n upbeat n people say "oh
            she never lets it get her down n she’s
            always  smiling...."  n  all  this  sort  of
            stuff. Well they must be much better
            people than me ‘cos I can’t handle it
            at  all  it’s  doing  my  flipping  head  in!
            It’s just so relentless.
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