Page 286 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 286
13 June 2014
Every now n then, fighting Show Biz Style on with a stiff
upper lip and a sense of gallows humour gets waring n
you just have to stop with your hands on your knees,
grimacing, catching your breath, wiping the sweat from
your brow and looking at your watch going "hang
on...just give me a minute...I can’t...."
15 June 2014
OK I’ve got the battery charged, so now I’ve got a
rectangle with a little light on....... Ermmmm There’s
writing on the screen but it looks like Chinese?! .....
16 June 2014
I’m soooo tired. It’s nearly 4am and I can’t calm my manic
mind down enough to
get to sleep
16 June 2014
In my eyes
No one guessed
Well no one tried
But You smiled at me...
17 June 2014
I’ve cut my SIM Card down to the right size but it just says
no SIM. Also it’s asking me for all sorts of passwords
and account names I never even knew existed let alone
what they are. Day 3 with new phone. Day 0 being able
to use it!