Page 291 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 291
3 July 2014
I had a new one with the night terrors last night, woke
myself up by punching the bedside table full force with a
clenched fist. Hurt my hand sent two glasses of water
flying across the room and I think I managed to scare the
neighbours again. If I didn’t know it was the PTSD I’d be
thinking I was one of them Alien Abduction people.
3 July 2014
I have unpacked the shopping AND washed up! Next
challenge, put make up on. If I can manage to get out to
drop this Art work off I will have excelled myself in
achievements for the day but I don’t want to get too
3 July 2014
How come Tesco’s charge us for carrier bags because
they’re bad for the environment but continue to package
fruit n veg in layers of plastic, paper, polystyrene n God
knows what. I filled a carrier bag today with packaging
just from fruit and salad. Pears were the worst culprits -
they were in a tray, covered in a sheet of plastic, sealed in
cellophane had a label attached & were then in a separate
carrier bag. Surely fruit n veg packaging could be reduced
by 100% just by utilising the handy organic packaging it
all naturally grows in.
3 July 2014
One of the things that cheers me up so much when I’m
stuck in the house with this Fibromyalgia (& migraine
god knows what...) is when the children in the block post
letters and cards through my letter box. I had one that 6