Page 292 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 292
of them had signed saying I was "The best Artists in the
world at Art..." and yesterday I had 2 letters in pink felt
tip with love hearts! “So shines a good deed in a weary
3 July 2014
What is it with all these QUIZs?
What kind of book, bird, angel, witch, movie, colour, god
damn kitchen utensil......are YOU?
Is it just a really lazy marketing ploy or are we all being
psychometrically tested en mass in some Orwellian
government project? They’re becoming increasingly
random and ridiculous. I just saw one entitled "When will
you die?" I don’t know but I’m losing the will to live.
So this "When Will You Die" Quiz does mean you will die
ON your allotted date and not BY that date doesn’t it?
Just making sure I do have carte blanche on ridiculous
risk taking safe in the knowledge I won’t die until the
specified day, parachute less sky diving notwithstanding?
It’s going to be an exciting, adrenaline fuelled ten years!...
11 July 2014
Need to attach a new body to my brain. One that’s actually
capable of carrying out all my spectacularly creative and
dastardly plans instead of this pain
riddled, ceased up, weak one I feel
trapped inside.
Come on Ona get a grip on yourself!
How can you lose 4 easels? It’s much
harder looking for them without the use
of your right arm and all....... What skirt
goes with a straight jacket?