Page 297 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 297
28 July 2014
Absolutely incapacitated with the M.E and Fibro today, yes
half open, typing with 1 hand, slumped on the bed like
I’ve been shot with a tranquilizer dart. I think I’m
gradually transitioning into a Nocturnal being.
30 July 2014
Is it dark earlier? I’m not happy about it. That’s what I was
afraid of! It’s downhill from here for us Fibromyalgia,
Migraine, SAD Syndrome, Bi-Polar bods ‘til next
summer. What was I saying the other day about me
becoming a Nocturnal being?!....
1 August 2014
As weird as my dreams are - this one must be one of the
most bizarre; "They" did something to the Moon. They
sort of "blocked" it’s moon light and the magnetic pull
and something I have no word for couldn’t reach us and
it stunted women’s fertility n stuff like that. Where the
heck does this stuff come from in my mind?!
2 August 2014
I’m sooooo fed up of this room. I
seem to spend more time grappling
with trying to tidy it up into some
sort of order than creating in it.
I’m just failing spectacularly and
now I’m going in a mood about it.
2 August 2014
Walking down the road thru the thunder storm in my usual
head to toe black regalia when the children all coming