Page 297 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 297

28 July 2014 —
           Absolutely incapacitated with the M.E and Fibro today, yes
            half open, typing with 1 hand, slumped on the bed like
            I’ve  been  shot  with  a  tranquilizer  dart.  I  think  I’m
            gradually transitioning into a Nocturnal being.

           30 July 2014 —
           Is it dark earlier? I’m not happy about it. That’s what I was
            afraid  of!  It’s  downhill  from  here  for  us  Fibromyalgia,
            Migraine,  SAD  Syndrome,  Bi-Polar  bods  ‘til  next
            summer.  What  was  I  saying  the  other  day  about  me
            becoming a Nocturnal being?!....

           1 August 2014 —
           As weird as my dreams are - this one must be one of the
            most bizarre; "They" did something to the Moon. They
            sort of "blocked" it’s moon light and the magnetic pull
            and something I have no word for couldn’t reach us and
            it  stunted women’s  fertility n  stuff  like  that.  Where  the
            heck does this stuff come from in my mind?!

           2 August 2014 —
           I’m sooooo fed up of this room. I
            seem to spend more time grappling
            with trying to tidy it up into some
            sort of order than creating in it.
           I’m  just  failing  spectacularly  and
            now I’m going in a mood about it.

           2 August 2014 —
           Walking down the road thru the thunder storm in my usual
            head  to  toe  black  regalia  when  the  children  all  coming
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