Page 288 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 288

code  so  I  can  access  my  meds  online.  Apparently  the
            code will expire in an hour - will I get it out of the phone
            in time?
           Well I don’t think this phones going to last as long as the
            Nokia - I think it will end in murder

           20 June 2014 —
           Is there an opposite of those people who hoard stuff? I
            can’t  bare  stuff!  Every  other  week  I  have  a  clear  out.
            Unless  something  is  both  use  AND  ornament  I  don’t
            want it in my house. It’s like its cluttering my mind up. I
            don’t even have a TV

           20 June 2014 —
           Sometimes I take my sketch pad to bed
            n  do  some  random  scribbles.  Here’s
            one of them.

           22 June 2014 —
           Almost years unsuccessful searching for product that will
            curl genuinely long hair (not so called long hair according
            to hairdressers and hair care companies which is usually
            shoulder  length)  I  am  considering  INVENTING  one
            myself and patenting it...

           22 June 2014 —
           Still working on my cocaine based contraceptive slimming
            pill uppers - just perfecting the chocolate coating.
           It’s  funny  I  was  ordering  my  shopping  from  Tesco’s  -  I
            suppose  the  computer  system  must  be  automated  and
            often  when  you’re  on  one  item  it  pops  up  with  a
            recommendation to accompany it, like if I’m looking at
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