Page 287 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 287
17 June 2014
One advantage of my ancient NOKIA mobile was that
whenever I lost my temper with it (or anything) and
threw it at walls or stamped on it or hurled it across the
room - it was fine. Dented, but fine.
17 June 2014
Still having the flats v heels debate - I’ve got heels on and
flats in my hand...maybe I could wean myself off heels
by carrying them with me - will I ever have the
confidence to go without? Well, here goes....
17 June 2014
OK Everyone, I have no phone now ‘til I get a new SIM
card just in case anyone tries to text - I won’t get
messages at the mo. obviously phone calls won’t make
any difference cos I never answer my phone anyway
being the self-confessed loner hermit I am
18 June 2014
3am...still awake, still too frightened to go to sleep, STILL
on the "emergency" waiting list for psychiatric help!
19 June 2014
OK I think the rectangle is actually working now! Got the
sim card in, got it charged, got someone who actually
knows what they’re doing to get it "Googled" up n
switched to English
SOoooo now the sim cards in the rectangle and its saying
3 new messages but if I hit the message icon it says NO
MESSAGES. Hurrgh this is getting real old real quick.
I’m trying to get a text from the doctors with an online