Page 281 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 281
27 May 2014
Now where the HELL did I put that
4B Pencil?!..........
28 May 2014
I decided I better have a break from
watching the Dimethyltryptamine
stuff so I put on a video about Tarot reading to brush up
a bit turns out they're relating it to Dimethyltryptamine in
the brain! OK Universe I'm taking that as a sign to try
This is literally what I meant the other day when I asked if
- even though I don't like where I am in my life - maybe
I'm in the exact right position in terms of the geometric
universe - like if I could pan back I'd be 3rd pigeon from
the left and if I wasn't there I was it'd be fucking the
pattern up. Is this making any sense what so ever or have
I completely crossed over into psychosis now?!
We've tried but no one will touch it. It’s bizarre. I mean if
you'd seen the evidence you wouldn't believe the weight
of stuff we'd got. Our expert witnesses were people
from places like the U.N and Globally top people
Professors, Doctors that work for world organisations.
It’s staggering. It just went to show it’s like a sort of
Mafia running this world. I’ve never been able to get back
on the property ladder cos by the time I'd recovered
enough to get back to work n stuff the house prices had
increased to such a level - and I'd got no equity cos my
last property had sold so long ago I just couldn't do it. It
has made me learn a lot about how stuff works though.