Page 279 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 279

n start trying again...

           26 May 2014 —
           Are  all  the  Pine  Cone  emblems  in  the  Catholic  Church
            representative of the Pineal Gland? Is the Egyptian 'eye
            symbol' the 3rd eye in our brain - it’s the same shape. Is
            my Pineal Gland all calcified? Can I DE-calcify it?
           Do all these Big Pharma drugs they have me on for my
            Bi-Polar block it up?
           Am I just funding the toxic, parasitical industry & having
            my mind stifled with a chemical straight jacket?
           Would  Dimethyltryptamine  help  me  see  more  clearly
            through my 3rd eye?
           Is this naturally occurring substance illegal because 'they'
            want to keep the knowledge & experience from us?
           Who decided who was in charge of what’s legal & what
            isn't?...and why do we let them?
           I  wouldn't  want  to  take  something  that  would  end  up
            sending  me  totally  sane,  then  again,  maybe  that's  what
            I'm already doing?.....
           Strange where your mind goes on a lonely Bank Holiday

           27 May 2014 —
           I love the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio. I will
            incorporate it into my Art. Understanding the Fibonacci
            sequence  and  Golden  Ratio  The  Fibonacci  sequence  is
            possibly the most simple recurrence relation occurring in
            nature.  It  is  0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,  144…  each
            number  equals  the  sum  of  the  two  numbers  before  it,
            and the difference of the two…
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