Page 277 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 277

take my hat off for bed . . . . . won’t I?

            17 May 2014 —
           Ah hearing the kids outside mine is so funny. Just heard
            one say? "My Aunties been staying with us?" To which
            the  other  kids  immediately  responded  "What  did  she
            bring  you?!"  Yep.  That’s  what  Aunties  are  for.  Bringing
            you  stuff.  (I  sometimes  get  eBay  &  Amazon  wish  lists
            and requests for my credit card details from my nephews.

           18 May 2014 —
           I must have fallen asleep around 8pm - fully dressed on
            top of the bed and just woken up disoriented and with
            the most horrible feeling of sadness and a sinking sense
            of being utterly alone.
           I’ve had a really weird few days of feeling anxious, really
            worried and paranoid and nervous and then getting really
            depressed. I get really isolated when my fibromyalgia is
            too bad for me to get up n go out. I start feeling lonely
            and isolated and frustrated. Sometimes I wish someone
            would come round n help me get up n get me shoes on n
            get down the stairs n out of the flat! I might let my hair
            down out of the window and see if a handsome prince
            climbs up it!

           19 May 2014 —
           Stephen  Fry  “Choking  with  dry  tears  and raging,  raging,
            raging  at  the  absolute  indifference  of  nature  and  the
            world to the death of love, the death of hope and the
            death  of  beauty,  I  remember  sitting  on  the  end  of  my
            bed,  collecting  these  pills  and  capsules  together  and
            wondering why, why when I felt I had so much to offer,
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