Page 91 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 91
19 November 2011
Saw a survey on TV saying that over 60% of English
people can't speak a single word of a foreign language.
That's nothing - in Redditch, over 60% of people can't
speak a word of bloody English from what I’ve heard!
And the moral of this story is: Just continue to read Heat
Magazine and Watch I'm a Talented Celebrity Dancing
on Ice. Do not attempt to peer around the curtain, think
outside the box or educate yourself in any way
21 November 2011
There am I thinking Redditch Borough Council are a
bunch of brain dead idiots and then, today, they actually
did something miraculous! They've managed to break
down my Council Tax liability into - and I quote =
"Every week for the 4 WEEKS between 07/12/2011 and
08/12/2011”?! No wonder I'm getting behind with
things if the council can actually manage to fit 4 whole
weeks into a 24 hour period! Genius!
24 November 2011
DESPISES! That revolting Littlewoods Christmas advert
from the depth of my soul! I hope you've watched it
closely Mothers everywhere. As we can see from the
Littlewoods advert - the real meaning of Christmas is
consumism, big brand names and how much Mom (not
Santa) spends on everyone; Well over £2000 if you were
to buy everything in the Littlewoods ad.
24 November 2011
Having exhausted CAB, Redditch Council, The
Ombudsman, Ofgem and just about every other org I