Page 92 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 92

can think of on my quest to resolve the dispute with my
            landlord over me paying for all the communal electric -
            (breathe)  I  finally  contacted  SHELTER  who  claim  to
            offer  free  legal  services  re:  housing  and  tenancy  issues.
            They've said they don't cover Redditch (ace. who does?)
            and  if  they  were  me,  they  wouldn't  bother  pursuing  it
            ‘cos if I do the landlords within his rights to give me 2
            months’  notice  and  then  I’ve  got  to  find  a  new  home!
            Living the Dream!

           25 November 2011 —
           Thank God I'm not JUST a Manic Depressive - I'm also
            an Arty / Crafty type so I know how to make synthetic
            happiness out of left over wine, opiate based painkillers
            and sticky back plastic
           I  treated  myself  to  a  new  pill  cutter  in  a  fetching  pink
            shade. YES! Living the dream

           27 November 2011 —
           People always warned me not mess with Ouija boards and
            now  I  know  why....  does  anyone  know  how  to  get
            Ectoplasm out of coconut matting?
           This time last year I was thinking, I've really got to get my
            body  into  shape...and  now  I  have.  Unfortunately,  the
            shape is that of a giant pear

           30 November 2011 —
           A friend’s little girl over heard me saying that a guy I didn't
            know  had  sent  me  a  message  on  Facebook  and  she
            immediately shouted "Do not reply! Delete the message!
            Never arrange to meet someone over the internet! And
            tell your Mommy & Daddy straight away! Those are the
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