Page 98 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 98
massive, dark, mansion - but not Gothic - it was faded
1970's decor and objects with corridors full of doors I
couldn't open. And along with the house I inherited a
doll - but it was a living doll and it kept biting me.
I'm not worried about the dreams; I'm just interested in
finding out if they ever convey messages or information
or are even prophetic in some way....
29 December 2011
We're nearly there 2012, THE AGE OF AQUARIUS.
We've been in the Age of Pisces for over 2000 years.
Pisces is being a 'go with the flow' era of so called
'sheeple' following the crowd and not questioning
authority. As 1 wise guy put it "even a dead fish can go
with the flow!" THE AGE OF AQUARIUS is said 2
bring about change where people AWAKEN & become
more holistic & authentic. The time around 2011 was
predicted to be 1 of great turmoil and upheaval for most
people. Was this the case for you? If so, hopefully it was
just the storm B4 the dawn & THE AGE OF
AQUARIUS will also keep its promise & our lives will
Take a turn for the better...?...
29 December 2011
This is the song for THIS New Year! The Dawning of the
Age of Aquarius = 2012! (WARNING: Listening to this
song may cause an uncontrollable urge to celebrate 2012
whilst wearing some sort of tie dye robes, with flowers in
your hair whilst holding a tambourine and rolling your
eyes from over use of cannabis and DMT)