Page 98 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 98

massive, dark, mansion - but not Gothic - it was faded
            1970's decor and objects with corridors full of doors I
            couldn't  open.  And  along  with  the  house  I  inherited  a
            doll - but it was a living doll and it kept biting me.

           I'm  not  worried  about  the  dreams;  I'm  just  interested  in
            finding out if they ever convey messages or information
            or are even prophetic in some way....

           29 December 2011 —
           We're  nearly  there  2012,  THE  AGE  OF  AQUARIUS.
            We've  been  in  the  Age  of  Pisces  for  over  2000  years.
            Pisces  is  being  a  'go  with  the  flow'  era  of  so  called
            'sheeple'  following  the  crowd  and  not  questioning
            authority. As 1 wise guy put it "even a dead fish can go
            with  the  flow!"  THE  AGE  OF  AQUARIUS  is  said  2
            bring about change where people AWAKEN & become
            more  holistic  &  authentic.  The  time  around  2011  was
            predicted to be 1 of great turmoil and upheaval for most
            people. Was this the case for you? If so, hopefully it was
            just  the  storm  B4  the  dawn  &  THE  AGE  OF
            AQUARIUS  will  also  keep  its  promise  &  our  lives  will
            Take a turn for the better...?...

           29 December 2011 —
           This is the song for THIS New Year! The Dawning of the
            Age of Aquarius = 2012! (WARNING: Listening to this
            song may cause an uncontrollable urge to celebrate 2012
            whilst wearing some sort of tie dye robes, with flowers in
            your  hair  whilst  holding  a  tambourine  and  rolling  your
            eyes from over use of cannabis and DMT)
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