Page 4 - kusonga-booklet
P. 4

executive summary


            Various perspectives                             Experts state that more than 100 EV types of

                                                                passenger cars are available on the global
    If we want to answer the question whether
                                                              market by 2020. A similar trend can be seen
    we can transform one of the LDCs* to be
                                                                at EV motorbikes across various emerging
    fully EV-enabled by 2025, we need to dive
    into this subject from various perspectives.

                                                                        In terms of affordability, we target a
    At the same time, we are looking from the
                                                                      maximum RRP of 2.000 USD for a EV
    technology perspective, we also have to look
                                                                 motorbike with a range of 100 kilometers
    at the micro-economical perspective. In
                                                                               and a maximum speed of 100
    other words, the technology must be
    sufficiently affordable to be attractive for the
                                                              As motorbikes are not only commonly used
                                                                 from commuters but also as two-wheeler
    As we are also talking about a nation-wide
                                                              taxis in emerging and developing countries,
    transformation, we also need to consider
                                                                            we also have to look into the EV
    macro-econimc dynamics.

                                                             We cannot expect a boda-boda-driver, that's
                                                                how two-wheeler-taxi-drivers are called in

                                                            the East African Community (EAC), to wait for
                                                              one or two hours until he can serve his next

                                                               customer. Hence, we also need to look into
                                                                       the usability of the EV infrastructure.
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