Page 6 - kusonga-booklet
P. 6
executive summary
Switching the perspective
We should not ask this question:
Why should a least developed country (LDC)
such as Rwanda not joining this wave of
industrial revolution?
We should instead switch this question
Why should a least developed country (LDC) such as
Rwanda joining this wave of industrial revolution?
Despite it would be worth looking into all the local or national benefits, in this executive
summary, we concentrate on the global perspective.
While wealthy OECD nations such as Norway or the Netherlands might be fully EV-
enabled in the mid 2020s, an emerging nation such as India can better conclude from a
fully EV-enabled nation which follows similar macro-economic dynamics - another
developing or emerging nation.
In terms of size and population, Rwanda might be tiny.
However, it is willing to become a living field of getting it done.