Page 10 - kusonga-booklet
P. 10
global EV trends
Two global trends within the global EV market
can be seen which have been proved within a
different market, the regenerative energy
market, already.
The average TCO of particular but important
components have drastrically dropped and are
expected to further drop.
While the average price for EV battery capacity
has dropped by 77 % from 2010 to 2016 and is
expected to further drop, the TCO ratio battery
per complete EV follows a similar pattern.
During the same period of time, EV energy
density per battery weight and battery volume
has risen and is expected to further rise.
While the shown TCO comparision between a
traditional Golf and the e-Golf included some
particilar subsidy policy, it can be expected,
that the price parity between the two types of
vehicles is being reached within the next
decade without any type of subsidies.