Page 33 - The Revolution of Imam Hussein
P. 33
The Revolution of Imam Hussein
al-Hasan (as) who had no choice in latter stages but to
sign a peace treaty (41A.H/661), with Mu‘awiya to prevent
bloodshed and to preserve the Muslim community
(Umma). In the peace treaty al-Imam al-Hasan (p)
stipulated that Mu‘awiya should:
1- Follow the Holy Quran and the (Sunna) of the
Prophet (p).
2- Refrain from any acts of revenge against al-Imam al-
Hasan’s followers.
3- Restore the caliphate back to al-Imam al-Hasan (p)
during his lifetime and in the event he dies, give the
caliphate back to his younger brother Imam Hussein (as).
Mu‘awiya violated all the terms of the treaty (12), and
was ultimately responsible for the death of al-Imam
al-Hasan (13), so he would not oppose the nomination
of his son Yazid without taking into consideration the
Prophet Muhammad’s well known traditions (ahadith)
about his grandsons “Al-Hasan and al-Hussein are the
leaders of the youth of paradise.”(14), And “Al-Hasan and
al-Hussein are two Imams whether they rise (qama) or sit
(q‘ada)” (15).
During the rule of Mu‘awiya (41A.H/661- 60A.H/680),
which marked the end of the Islamic caliphate, the
caliphate became a monarchy (16) the Arab tribal
aristocracy served by a bureaucracy reappeared. The
features of the society which the Prophet Muhammad (p)