Page 30 - The Revolution of Imam Hussein
P. 30
The Revolution of Imam Hussein
When ‘Uthman (the third caliph) came into power
(23A.H/644- 35A.H/656) (1), the Umayyads gained
disproportionate influence and the role of the
Second Chapter companions of the Prophet (p) declined. Positions were
occupied by inexperienced young Umayyads, which
Causes of the Revolution caused dissatisfaction leading to a revolution against the
caliph ‘Uthman, that which cost him his life.
After the caliph ‘Uthman’s death, Muslims in Medina
(the centre power of the caliphate) swore their oath of
allegiance to al-Imam Ali (35A.H/656 -40A.H/661). Al-
Imam Ali (as) realised that there had been significant
changes to the characteristics of the Muslim community
during ‘Uthman’s caliphate, and that the desire for
worldly power had reappeared amongst Muslims. Their
ideology was affected by materialism, the government
had become only a means for securing their desires, and
tribal loyalty appeared.
In these circumstances, it would be impossible to
change their attitudes and mentalities. Therefore, al-
Imam Ali (as) was reluctant to accept authority in the first
place. If he was to accept, he would have to challenge
that trend and would only lead them the righteous way
and would not care about being blamed (2). He wanted
to lead the Muslims in the just manner which he was
taught by the Prophet Muhammad (P). He knew that his
inability to accept their materialistic lifestyles and agree