Page 133 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 133

After the           VII.  Body Posture       PPT presentation
                         completion of the       •  Meaning of         will be uploaded     Distance     Learning Module         Photo
                         chapter, students          Body Posture          on Google           Mode                           documentation
                         should be able to:      •  Benefits of           Classroom                       Survey Activity      of different
                         1. Explain the             Good Posture                                              Sheets          body types/
                  10     definition of body      •  Effects of Poor                                                          posture among
                         posture                    Posture                 Survey                        Pen and Paper      family member
                         2. Define the           •  Causes of Poor     Activity: BMI and                                     and measure      End of Week
                         benefits of good           posture               Body Type                                          of body mass          10
                         posture, cause          •  Body Types           Assessment                                              index
                         and effects of poor     •  BMI                 among Family
                         posture and             •  Measuring BMI         Members
                         different Body
                         types of a person
                         3. Apply on how to
                         measure body
                         mass index
                         After the                                          Online          Distance
                         completion of the   VIII. Circuit training    Presentation/Dis       Mode       Learning Module        Chapter
                         chapter, students       •  Lunges                 cussion                                            Assessment
                         should be able to:      •  Burpee              (for those with                   Video and Audio     (QUIZ 1-10)
                 11,     1. explain the          •  Weighted               internet                         Links online                      End of Week
                 12 &    definition of Circuit      punch                connection)                                             Video         11, 12 & 13
                 13      training                •  4x4 point                                             Circuit Training   Documentation
                         2. define the              hops/power              Video                          Performance        of Individual
                         different types of         jump               Presentation for                        Form,          Performance
                         intensive training      •  Quick suicide           those                           (Repetition        (for Home-
                         and home-based             sprint             training/exercise:                     Based)         based Circuit
                         training                •  Bicep curl using                                                         Training) that
                         3. perform                 rubber tube                                                             they will submit
                         correctly the                                 “Shadow boxing                                          on Google
                         different kinds of                              with weights”                                        Classroom/
                         related skill                                 https://www.yout                                          Email.
                                                                       v=Q7pbODLF5Y                                          For non-wired
                                                                              s                                               class, put on
                                                                                                                            their respective

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