Page 408 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 408
handbook, solid /Course Syllabus could have been
waste (for pick-up in the prevented, if the
management, campus) learning from the
gender sensitivity Gender and
and emergency Development was
plans followed or applied.
3. write their course
expectations and
After the completion I. Introduction to Sending of Files Internet Class Activity #2 End of
of the period, Statistics via Google Connection Venn Diagraming Week
students should be Classroom No. 2
able to: A. Descriptive and Laptop or
2 1. differentiate Inferential Video Watching: Cellphone
descriptive from Statistics Understand Distance
inferential B. Population and Levels of Mode Learning
Statistics; Sample Measurement in Module
2. distinguish C. Variables and Statistics (NOIR):
population from Types of Data A Tidy Review MS Word or
sample; (Research by Paper & Pen
2. identify the types Design)
of data and the https://www.youtu Google
levels of Classroom or
measurement for 5QnQCNUBM6k Facebook
each given Messenger
variable; Types of Data:
3. create a tree Categorical vs.
diagram to Numerical Data
illustrate data (365 Data
and their levels of Science)
measurement. https://www.youtu