Page 409 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 409
Tree Diagram-
making of data
and levels of
After the completion II. Data Collection Sending of Files Distance Internet Class Activity #3 End of
of the period, and via Google Mode Connection Written Results of Week
students should be Presentation Classroom the data gathering. No. 3
able to: Laptop or
3 1. describe the A. Methods of Data Module Reading Cellphone
different data Collection
collection B. Probability and Gathering of Learning
methods and Non-Probability Data: Module
sampling Sampling A small group of
technique; Techniques 3 students will MS Word or
2. identify the type of create a social Paper & Pen
data collection media post and
method; gather data Google
3. apply the through a Google Classroom or
appropriate Form. The Facebook
sampling students will Messenger
technique during decide what data
data collection; collection
method and
technique to
employ. The
students will also
indicate the data
if it is discrete or
qualitative or
and so on
4 4. present data C. Methods of Data Visual Distance Internet Class Activity #4 End of
using texts, Presentation Representation: Mode Connection Text, Table and Week 4