Page 46 - Area III PPP
P. 46


                               development,        personnel        sanctions      and      administrative

                            d. Provide for identification outputs and job-related behavior as
                               well  as  corresponding  performance  measures  which  shall  be
                               mutually  agreed  upon  between  supervisors  and subordinates
                               for  a  particular  appraisal  period.    The  performance  of  the
                               employee shall be evaluated on the basis of his accomplishment
                               against his performance target;

                            e.  Provide  opportunity  for  supervisors  to  make  comments  and
                               recommendations  regarding  employee’s  strengths  and
                               weaknesses which maybe instrumental in furthering his career
                               or  identifying  factors  that  may  be  impede  his  development.
                               Comments  from  supervisors  are  expected  to  facilitate  the
                               employee’s personal growth and shall be given due weight in
                               making personnel decision; and

                            f. Provide sanctions against raters who use the performance rating
                               to give undue advantage and disadvantage to people they rate.

                       The University impose an Awards for Faculty as an indicated in pages
                       129 to 130; Rule VII, Section 13.a “Awards” of the CvSU Manual of
                       Operations  2009  as  approved  by  the  Board  of  Regents  (BOR)  on
                       September 3,2009 by the BOR per Resolution No.65 Series of 2009.

                          a) Nature Award

                                    Awards  under  this  system  shall  be  monetary  or  non-
                             monetary.  The  University  President,  however,  upon  the
                             recommendation  pf  the  Merit  Increase  Incentive  Awards
                             committee  (MIIAC)  may  consider  a  faculty  member  for  both
                             monetary and non-monetary awards.

                                      1. Monetary Awards – A cash award in accordance with
                                     scales  to  be  decided  by  the  University  may  be  granted
                                     when  accomplishment  results  in  monetary  savings  and

                                     tangible  benefits,  the  amount  of  cash  award  shall  be
                                     determined on the basis of its estimated or total value or

                      Area III: Curriculum and Instruction
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