Page 48 - Area III PPP
P. 48


                        There  are  policies  on  supervision/monitoring  and  evaluation  of
                        faculty performance.

                               Evaluation of faculty is done semi-annually or once every semester.

                              Performance Rating
                              Performance of faculty, academic and non-academic staff shall
                              be  evaluated  with  the  use  of  prescribed  forms  twice  a  year:
                              December  and  May.  The  Dean  shall  determine  the  final
                              assessment of the performance level of the individual employee
                              using the five-point rating scale (1 to 5), 5 being the highest and
                              1, the lowest as shown below;

                              a.  Outstanding – An employee of the employee of the University
                                 shall be given this rating when the exceeds his targets by at
                                 least  30  percent.  It  represents  an  extraordinary  level  of
                                 achievement and commitment in terms of quality and time,
                                 technical  knowledge  and  skill,  ingenuity,  creativity  and
                                 initiative.  Employee  at  this  performance  level  should  have
                                 demonstrated exceptional job mastery in all major aspects of
                                 responsibility.  His  achievements  and  contributions  to  the
                                 organization are of marked excellence which his peers and
                                 supervisors recognize.

                              b.  Very Satisfactory – An employee of the University shall be
                                 given  this  rating  when  he  exceeds  the  expected
                                 output/performance by at least 15 – 29 percent but falls short
                                 of what is considered an outstanding performance.

                                 Only  employees  with  Outstanding  and  Very  Satisfactory
                                 Performance Ratings for two consecutive ratings period shall
                                 be considered for promotion.

                              c.  Satisfactory – An employee of the University shall be given
                                 this  rating  when  he  meets  the  standards  or  ordinary
                                 requirements of the duties of the position or his performance

                                 is 100 to 114 percent of the planned targets.

                      Area III: Curriculum and Instruction
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