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                                       Republic  Act  No.  9442  –  Provisions  On  Public  Ridicule  and

                                         Vilification Against Person With Disability (An Act Amending Republic

                                         Act No. 0.07277, Otherwise Known As the “Magna Carta For Disabled

                                         Persons, And For Other Purposes).

               2. IMPLEMENTATION

                              Describe the Institution’s Information & Orientation Services

                                       The  Institution’s  Information  and  Orientation  Services  is  under  the

                                Student  Welfare  of  Services  of  the  Office  of  Student  Affairs  and  Services

                                (OSAS).  It  facilitates  the  transition  of  new  students  (freshmen,  transferees,

                                shiftees,  returnees)  into  the  institution  by  preparing  them  for  educational

                                opportunities  and  student  responsibilities.  A  comprehensive  orientation

                                program is regularly conducted both university-wide and per college or unit to

                                familiarize with the new surrounding and to aid them to adjust in college life.

                                The  following  are  the  topics  discussed  during  the  University-wide  orientation


                                          a.  Overview of Student Services

                                          b.  Academic Policies

                                          c.  Library Policies

                                          d.  Scholarship and Financial Assistance

                                          e.  Student Membership and Organization Membership

                                          f.  University Policies on Student Norm of Conduct

                                            Meanwhile, College orientation usually discussed the University’s

                                     and  College’s  Vision,  Mission,  Objectives  and  College  Policies  and

                                     Regulations,  and  Guidance  Counseling.  Presentation  of  student

                     Area IV: Support to Students
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