Page 306 - Geoffrey Budworth, Jason Dalton "The Little Book of Incredibly Useful Knots"
P. 306
Bottle sling
Although at least one ancient Greek physician used this knot as a surgical sling and for traction
on dislocated joints, it is also an effective way to contrive a collar and two carrying loops for any
jug, jar, bottle, or larger container of liquid.
Locate the middle of a length of cord and bend the U-shaped bight down in front of the two
standing parts, so that the right-hand loop overlaps the left-hand one (1). Pull out a tongue-like
bight and weave it under-over-under-over to emerge at the top of the knot. Take hold of the bight
newly formed at the back (or beneath) the knot and pull it down from top to bottom (2). Similarly,
pull down the bight at the front of the knot (3). Arrange the result into a circular plaited collar, fit it
over the neck of the receptacle, and tighten it. Finally, insert one end of the two cord ends through
the single loop, and knot both together securely with a fisherman’s knot (see page 18) to create twin
carrying loops that will always adjust themselves to be the same size (5).