Page 13 - Q4 Oilservers Newsletter
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DECEMBER 2022. Q4. VOL.17 DECEMBER 2022. Q4. VOL.17
I would like to extend my gratitude to core values of the Oilserv Group, you
every department and personnel within have contributed to bringing us this Once again, I want to immensely
COVER I want to QHSE Lead, HR Coordinator, ICT brand ethos is “Accelerating the Energy your continued support to achieve our
Frazimex – The Finance Manager, far.
thank you for your dedication and
Engineering Manager, Projects Manager,
priceless contributions to making this
Once again,
Business Development Coordinator, As we are all aware, the Oilserv Group company successful, and count on
team, Project Management team, CAD Transition, Improving African Lives” ultimate objective to make Frazimex
thank you for
team, Finance team, Architectural with our Chairman/GCEO leading Engineering limited a preferred,
your dedication
team, Lead engineers, Senior discussions on this topic.
profitable, and sustainable engineering
and priceless
engineers, Intermediate engineers, A reform of the energy industry company in Nigeria and outside
Junior engineers, Ingenious graduate presents chances for long-term Nigeria.
to making this
engineers (who have quickly settled economic growth, social inclusion,
down and already contributing in our energy security, enhanced health, Sure, We Can!!!
projects including good initiatives wealth creation, job creation, and
to increase Frazimex visibility in other social advantages. We can
the Oil & Gas Industry coordinated realize these possibilities if the
Engr. Chuka David Eze, FNATE by Engr. Zuoere Egbe and Engr. transition is carried out fairly and
Managing Director Love Nkire under the “MAVERICK” inclusively.
Frazimex Engineering Limited (Oilserv Group)
team), Interns, Drivers, Cleaners,
Security officers, and all other support he involvement of the larger civil
THANK YOU FRAZIMEX functions/departments in the Group, society is crucial for the creation of a As we are all aware,
the Oilserv Group
for your incredible and significant balanced and just transition process
work done so far. I strongly believe that is in line with SDG7 (Ensure brand ethos is
“Accelerating the
that we can do more as most of you Access to Affordable, Reliable,
With the similitude of a vivid dream, in business are never done by one 4. Successfully launched are willing and passionate about Sustainable, and modern energy Energy Transition,
three quarters have gone by, and person; they are done by a team of Frazimex capacity and capability the development and growth of the for all) and addresses numerous Improving African
we are still standing firm in the people”. I recognize and would like video initiated and executed by the Frazimex Business. Your efforts are economic and social priorities, even Lives” with our
year 2022. Despite an extremely to formally and genuinely convey then-graduate engineers – “the highly commendable. Thank you so while governments must take the leading discussions
competitive market climate, tight my gratitude to the team that future leaders of Frazimex”. much. lead on goal setting, processes, and on this topic.
project deadlines, and consistent does great things for FRAZIMEX 5. Increased our Client base with policymaking. A reform of the
challenges, we have achieved Engineering Limited. registration with new Clients. I want to appreciate and especially energy industry
significant progress toward our 6. Successfully performed QMS thank our Chairman/GCEO, Engr. We are an agile team; therefore, I presents chances for
business objectives this year. I We have collectively as a great audits in sustaining our QMS Dr. Emeka Okwuosa and GCOO, encourage every one of us to share long-term economic
understand that we didn’t totally team achieved, but not limited certification and improving our Mr. Lester Clark for their full valuable our creative insights, innovative growth, social
meet the expectations of our Clients to, the following: processes. support, guidance, encouragement, findings, technological know-how, inclusion, energy
and stakeholders, but we are 1. Secured NLNG 3-year 7. Implemented our Ingenious and steer and digital expertise on how we can security, enhanced
looking at the number of initiatives Engineering Service Agreement Graduate Training program for stay on top of developments, advance health, wealth
that will yield positive results in the (ESA) call-off contract with 4nos Nigerian capacity building with Our organization has been able to the energy transition process within creation, job creation,
coming weeks. Our great team projects to be completed before 14nos deployed to Frazimex. achieve the feats and strides that our organization, and decarbonize and other social
has upheld its focus in the face of the end of Q4, 2022. 8. Implemented training (on the we have made because of your the energy industry. Accelerating the advantages. We can
realize these
all the obstacles, and it is with this 2. Secured SEPLAT 3-year job and scheduled training) for our unwavering sacrifices, commitments, energy transition process requires possibilities if the
confidence that I believe that we Engineering Service Agreement personnel and contributions to the development everyone and every department transition is carried
can scale through any challenge (ESA) call-off contract with 2nos 9. Achieved Zero Lost Time Injury and accomplishment of the business, in Frazimex and Oilserv Group out fairly and
to come. For the remainder of the projects to be completed before (LTI) and Zero Fatality. taking responsibility for the roles you to take personal responsibility for inclusively.
year, there are still many attainable the end of Q4, 2022. have been given, adhering to the accomplishing this goal, just like
goals planned, and I do not doubt 3. Progressed Detail Engineering QHSE standards, and upholding the with any other beneficial change.
that we will continue to excel. Design (DED) of NNPC AKK Gas
Steve Jobs said, “great things pipeline project.
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