Page 17 - Q4 Oilservers Newsletter
P. 17

DECEMBER 2022. Q4. VOL.17                                                  DECEMBER 2022. Q4. VOL.17

 have shown in the course of executing
 the  ANOH Projects in  the year
 2022. OILSERV’s success story will   On behalf of the
 remember your contributions kindly,   management of
 for the immense part you played   Crown Energy /
 thereto as an undaunting team in   EnviFraz, I sincerely
 2022.   thank you for your   COVER  As the AKK Project                                               COVER
    dedication and     Manager, it fills me
 Despite the sad news regarding   commitment   with confidence
 several security challenges in the   towards your work,   knowing that we
 country, unknown gun-men assailants,   role, and assigned   have some of the
 responsibilities, it’s
 bandits, sit-at-home in South-Eastern   indeed truly   best talents in the
 Nigeria, community disturbances   commendable and   industry working for
 and rising flood threats, e.t.c, which   highly appreciated.  us, helping us to
 also affected our work locations, your
                       challenges with a
 tenacity, unwavering dedication, and   Engr. Richie Nwobike  focus on safe and
 ‘’never say never die’’ altitude kept   GM Envifraz/Crown Energy Resources Nig. Limited  efficient delivery
 Oilserv Group
 the projects going and enabling us to
 meet the necessary expectations of
 our Clients and Oilserv Management.            Engr. Steve Nnorom
    APPRECIATION TO                             PM – AKK Project
 The ANOH Projects aim to support               Oilserv Limited
 the growth in Nigeria’s domestic gas   THE TEAM
 production based on the Federal
 Government of Nigeria’s Dom-Gas  ..................................................................................................  Dear Team Members,  Energy/EnviFraz and this has   APPRECIATION TO ALL STAFF
 Master Plan Programs for additional   been nothing short of inspiring,
 Power and Industrial Investments.   On behalf of the management of Crown   as we guide, and help each other   IN BASE 2/BASE 8 SUPPORTING
 This is in line with OILSERV’s Group   Energy / EnviFraz, I sincerely thank you   navigate the much-anticipated   AKK PROJECT
 new brand ethos: "Accelerating the   for your dedication and commitment   professional growth, aimed at
 Energy Transition, Improving African   towards your work, role, and assigned   taking the Company to the fore of
 Lives," and we are proud to be part   responsibilities, it’s indeed truly   its pursuit. It wouldn’t have been   I feel very delighted to be able to  day to deliver the best possible  success is our proactive Execu-
 of the team and champions that will   commendable and highly appreciated.  the same without you! I truly hope   pen down a few words of appreci-  service and the support we give  tive Management who is consis-
 make  this  dream a  reality  for the   you will continue with the same   ation to recognize your valued  each  other  along  the  way  are  tently  in  support  of  any  of  our
 OILSERV Group  We have been together as a team for   passion and excellence in the   efforts, support, and positive  highly commendable.  project improvement initiatives to
    over a year and deeply appreciate your   pursuit of Crown Energy/EnviFraz   contributions  towards  sustaining   deliver efficiencies at every level
 I  cannot  express  enough  how   overwhelming support, encouragement,   goals for the future.  the ongoing execution of the AKK  At  the  heart  of  our  unwavering  of the project.
 valuable you have been to both   tenacity, dexterity, and ability to adapt to   Project despite all the challenges  commitment lies our Company’s
 ANOH Projects. There is still plenty   the changes/ various evolution experienced   Thank you for being a part   we face day-to-day.  core  values (Integrity,  Quality,  I am in no doubt that our collec-
 of room for achievement, as we aim   in the organization, especially having   of the team. We at Crown   Teamwork,  Innovation,  and  tive action is needed now, more
 to raise the bar in the coming year   successfully  mobilized  personnel  and   Energy/EnviFraz appreciate   As  the AKK  Project  Manager,  it  Accountability) which drive our  than ever before, to drive the
 and I am sure that we will keep up   equipment to the AKK Project.   This   your efforts, are proud of each   fills me with confidence knowing  culture and behaviors and repre-  progress required for sustainable
 with these excellent attributes and   reinforces the can-do spirit that underpins   and every one of you, and hope   that we have some of the best  sent how we think and act. Work-  successful performance. I recog-
 even do better.  our core values and commitment to the   that the direction this team has   talents in the industry working for  ing  from  these  strong  founda-  nize the significance we play in
 aspirations of Crown Energy/EnviFraz.  taken, will remain so for the next   us, helping us to overcome chal-  tions, we must continue to strive  this collective approach and
 Thank you for playing such an important   season and more to come.  lenges with a focus on safe and  and  do  our utmost  always  to  remain very positive about the
 role in the ANOH Projects. We are   The hard work & extra hours that you   efficient delivery of the project to  deliver the AKK Project timely and  improved progress we can make
 grateful for your great contribution   all ave put in during the past months   Thank  you  once  again  for   the satisfaction of our Client  successfully.  A  further  driver  moving into 2023.
 to OILSERV Group.  has led to the heartening promotion of   being a wonderful team.   (NNPC). The passion I see every  underpinning  our  collective
 values we uphold at Crown

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