Page 16 - Have You Counted the Cost?
P. 16

govern  their  lives  by  asking  the  question

              “What would Jesus do?" but it's impossible

              to know what Jesus would do in any given

              situation without knowing the Jesus of the

              Bible — and not just any Bible with all the

              English translations that are available today,

              but the Authorized King James Bible, which

              accurately  conveys  God’s  truths  in  the

              English language and accurately depicts the

              deity of Christ and the holiness of God.

              The Jesus of the King James Bible was not

              “cool”  or  a  "good  ole  boy"  or  a  "Mr.

              Personality" or a “Mr. Nice Guy.”  Our Savior

              was not silly and could not be manipulated

              nor  controlled  by  deceit  or  flattery,  and

              neither was He “gooey sweet.”  Christians

              are to be the salt of the earth, not the sugar

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