Page 11 - Have You Counted the Cost?
P. 11


              When a person becomes a Christian, there

              should  be  a  sense  of  indebtedness  in  the

              way that person lives out his or her Christian

              life  on  earth.  The  Apostle  Paul  told  the

              Roman  believers  in  Romans  8:12-14,

              "Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to

              the  flesh,  to  live  after  the  flesh.

              13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but

              if  ye  through  the  Spirit  do  mortify  the

              deeds  of  the  body,  ye  shall  live.

              14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God,

              they are the sons of God.”  A Christian who

              is  being  led  by  God’s  Holy  Spirit  will  no

              longer love sin but will “Abhor that which is

              evil”  and  “cleave  to  that  which  is  good”

              (Rom. 12:9).

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