Page 10 - Have You Counted the Cost?
P. 10

and Eve would sin against Him even before

              He created them; and because of God’s holy

              character,  God  cannot  forgive  sin  without

              the shedding of blood (See Hebrews 9:22).

              Before  Christ  shed  His  blood  on  Calvary’s

              cross,  it  was  required  that  the  blood  of  a

              “lamb  without  blemish  and  without  spot”

              be offered to God for the forgiveness of sins.

              Even in the Garden of Eden, blood had to be

              shed in order for God to forgive Adam and

              Eve’s sin (represented by the coats of animal

              skins  that  God  made  to  cover  Adam  and

              Eve’s nakedness).  But the lamb’s blood was

              only  a  covering  for  sin  and  foreshadowed

              the ultimate sacrifice for sin, “the precious

              blood of Christ,” which will take away all sin

              in  a  believer’s  life  when  he  or  she  enters


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