Page 6 - Have You Counted the Cost?
P. 6

subsequent  to  becoming  a  Christian,  and

              they were willing to pay that price.  But the

              false gospel that is being propagated in our

              day of easy-believism does not necessitate

              repentance, nor does it result in any kind of

              suffering, self-denial, or separation from sin

              and  worldliness,  and  those  who  teach  or

              even  suggest  that  a  changed  life  follows

              regeneration  are  accused  of  teaching  a

              “works” salvation.  A. W. Tozer has said, "To

              escape the error of salvation by works we

              have  fallen  into  the  opposite  error  of

              salvation without obedience."

              This “easy-believism" has also been referred

              to  as  antinomianism.  Webster’s  1828

              dictionary  defines  an  antinomian  as


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