Page 23 - Rosendin Corporate Newsletter_Q1 2020
P. 23

THE                     KEEPING THE BIG


 CULTURE                 PICTURE IN MIND

 AND TAKING                                      ince R&D’s founding, we’ve focused   improve, and integrate what we do.

                                                 on working safer, better, smarter,
                                                                                  Something as simple as using a new
                                             Sand faster. This was cast in the    wago, which increases quality, branch
 ADVANTAGE                                   light of using technology, systems, and   termination speed, and is simply
                                                                                  less frustrating to deal with. A small
                                             revised methods that leverages up the
                                             people we do have. We want everyone   efficiency pickup in an activity that we
 OF OUR SIZE                                 to work in the highest part of their skill   execute millions of times per year yields
                                             set for the longest time each day.
                                                                                  substantial results. We’re continually
                                             We’re addressing craft labor         looking for those small ideas that will
                                             shortages via outreach at the middle   yield blockbuster results.
 By: Bill Mazzetti, Sr. VP Research & Development  and high schools, veterans, and the   OUR INNOVATION CULTURE
                                             underemployed. The media has missed
                                             one key issue. Electrical contracting,   We actually have a powerful innovation
                                             more than any other trade, will be   culture when you think about it.
                                                                                  Maybe it’s our nature as builders.
 e hope this finds you                       a technology supportive/driven       Customers hire us to create and
                                             trade inside of a decade. Soon, our
 and your families safe                      electricians will be doing software   build one-of-a-kind buildings
 and healthy in this                         configuration, integrating our work   correctly, every single time to a very
 Wunprecedented time.  Like                  with larger infrastructure networks,   high standard and result. Building a
                                                                                  job is like building a prototype – even
                                             and dealing with far more complex
 many of you, I had a plan for this                                               if we have built it before, it’s often
                                             electrical work for the establishment
 month, but COVID-19 just flipped            and optimization of the completed    with new people, places, weather,
 over that teacart.                          system. In 10 years, electricians will be   schedule, and the like. We’re trained
                                             doing the same work as EE’s do today.  to innovate.
 What a difference three months              The parallel between Covid-19 and    This boils down to We Care.
 makes.  We’re now entrenched in a           craft labor shortages is striking.  Both   We choose to be safer, have higher
                                             situations pose craft labor shortage   quality work, work smarter, and
 global viral pandemic that’s forcing
                                             challenges, just for very different   more efficiently, utilize our scale for
 us to reconsider everything we do           reasons.  Shortages are blind to     good, etc. I have not met a person at
 and how we do it.  When we were             whether that craftsperson is not in the   Rosendin that does not care about
                                             area or can’t work due to Covid-19’s   our customers, our business, and
 asked to prepare the company for
                                             work limitations or risks. Folks simply   each other. That emotion lends itself
 2030, this one was not on our radar.        aren’t there to work. Both also force   to massive and widespread invention
 However, there’s an intersection of         us to embrace the challenge of doing   at a grassroots level. R&D simply takes
 COVID-19’s social distancing and the        the same amount of work with fewer   your motivation and offers it a vehicle
                                             people.                              to listen, define a solution, plan, and act
 chronic shortage of craft labor.                                                 and ultimately achieve.
                                             Many think that R&D is a blockbuster
                                             idea shop. Sometimes it is. More     Because We Care, we are becoming an
                                             often, we work with all aspects of our   innovation leader. R&D’s two main goals
                                             operations to better standardize,    are to prepare Rosendin for reality

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