Page 20 - Rosendin Corporate Newsletter_Q1 2020
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        If Rosendin must use external design consultants due   Much of this is due to concern about performance;
        to existing relationships or the Owner’s preference, we   however, the pursuit leads should reach out to
        can support that effort by leveling design proposals as   Engineering and ask if the project can be supported
        well as overseeing the external consultant in a “Design  based on cost, schedule, or available staff. The
        Manager” role. While this is not ideal from a Design-  Engineering team will always be honest and upfront
        Build standpoint, it ensures consistent delivery and a   about our abilities.
        design that is aligned to Rosendin standards.
                                                               We can start small and work our way up. If there is still
        What added value does In-House                         concern about performance, together, we should
                                                               identify some smaller markets or projects where
        Engineering offer clients?                             we can “get our feet wet.” Once we successfully

                                                               complete projects, we can wade into deeper water.                   In Quarter 4 of 2019, Rosendin had over $460 million* in awarded projects. The chart below
        Having In-House Engineering offers value to our clients                                                                    provides an overview of the industries with estimated award value (millions) nationwide.
        in many ways.                                          If Design-Build is out of the question, we can request
          1.  Ensures clear communication between the          to team a design engineer and perform some of the                   *Includes Work Orders and Large Change Orders  Transportation        Commercial
             design and construction elements of a project.    traditional “Consulting Engineer” tasks. Start by asking!                                         18.9%
             The information flow inside Rosendin allows
             project criteria, goals, and requirements to be   How can the Engineering Group                                                                                                                                  Data Center
             shared easily since engineering and field already   help?                                                                                                                                                         8.4%
          2.  Enables a shorter delivery of design and         Rosendin's Engineering staff are located in nearly                        Systems                                                                                     Education
             construction as the design can overlap with       every office across the country and are available and                      5.8%
             installation drawings and early construction.     accessible in the office, by phone, and email. There is                                                                                                               Entertainment
             When changes occur, there is reduced time         information on Engineering's SharePoint site. A request                                                                                                                 6.5%
             to the field thanks to the close communication    form is also available for project pursuits.
             we have with the Project Manager and
             Superintendent. The time savings can be a real    The best time to get support from the Engineering
             value if the entire design-build team is integrated   team is at the beginning of a pursuit. When we can
             and aligned.                                      get involved early in the process, the chance of                                                                                                                     Health Care
          3.  Our clients can save money since we develop      finding significant advantages for the pursuit is the                                                                                                                 2.1%
             our designs in conjunction with the field         highest. We can support on short notice as well, but
             installation team and can bring their workflow    with less time comes a lower chance of finding the                                                                                                                  Heavy Industrial
             into the design from the beginning. Along with    best solution for Rosendin. The Rosendin Advantage is                           Solar
             the design team and field interface, we are       highest when we work as an integrated Technical and                             27.4%                                                                     High Tech
             able to identify prefabrication opportunities and   Practical team for a single goal - a successful project                                                                                  Hotel          12.1%
             implement them into the design documents,         for both the Owner and Rosendin.                                                                                           Residential  Institutional
             providing tremendous value to our clients.                                                                                                                                         Power  0.3%
                                                               Are there dates/locations for the                                       Commercial: $57.8                       Heavy Industrial: $6.8                 Residential: $5.8
        How can you help increase our use                      Engineering & BIM roadshow?
        of Design-Build?                                                                                                               Data Center: $38.9                      High Tech: $55.7                       Solar: $126.8
                                                               You will have the opportunity to talk to Ron Wilson,                    Education: $12                          Hotel: $2.3                            Systems: $26.8
        ASK! It may sound silly, but start by asking. These days,   VP Engineering, and Fred Meeske, VP BIM Services,                  Entertainment: $30                      Institutional: $1.2                    Transportation: $87.1
        many projects are Design-Assist, so the opportunity    at your office, soon! We are currently working to align                 Health Care: $9.9                       Power: $539K
        to convert them to Design-Build is genuine. Take our   with other meetings and when we can all get back
        Anaheim office for example.                            into the office. We will publish the schedule as it is
        From the beginning of the pursuit, the team identifies   solidified. We look forward to meeting you!
        those projects or Owners who may be open to Design-
        Build and approaches them.
        Opportunities exist in every market that Rosendin
        operates, but we have been slow to chase them.

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