Page 22 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 22
AUCKLAND ACTION (AKA to 25 people, within the boundaries of
AUCKATRAZ INACTION! ) Auckatraz still.
All of these lockdowns meant that we
At the time of writing this article, we are
in our twelfth week of lockdown. In the had to cancel our Annual Auckland River
first ew wee s the only a tion we ot Meets the Sea rally, which would have
was polishing and tuning up our bikes. been on Nov. 12-14. As it is, the venue
We got a small respite on October 12th is outside the o fi ial u land boundary
when we were allowed to travel within so none of our branch would have even
the Auckland region for recreation. This been able to attend! Hoping everything
saw a large number of bikes out on the is sorted by next year and we can enjoy
roads es e ially on fine wee ends. ut rallies again.
with the restrictions only allowing for two As a branch, we are extremely grateful
household bubbles to meet outdoors, it that we got to host the remembrance
re luded us ro or anisin any o fi ial weekend as it was the last weekend
rides as a branch. However, Raewyn before lockdown! We are looking forward
and myself took the opportunity to crank to the day when we can catch up with
the bike out and head up to Atiu Creek all our friends from the Ulysses clubs all
Regional Park (which Raewyn had around NZ once again.
not isited be ore . hat too us to the
extreme boundary of Auckatraz (we are Craig Moodie #8602
still waitin or our arole hearin . t Auckland Branch Coordinator
was a great day for a picnic though, and WET AND WILD GISBORNE
you can see Raewyn modelling the new
The branch has been busy, even with our
helmet she won at the National AGM!
limited roads. Rides over the last months
We are now looking at the prospect
have included the Wairoa loop, the Tiniro-
of Level Three Step two, where we can before, there's always something new to
to road, which always proves a challenge.
finally be in or anised rides a ain o u experience.
Some of our Branch rode to Wairoa to
Our pot luck/Christmas evening turned
meet up with the Napier Branch, a great
out to be a wonderful social gathering with
chat and a pie from Oslers in the sun on
fantastic food. We best plan another one,
the riverbank. What a great way to spend
soon. The social side of the branch is just
a Sunday.
as important as the riding,
Speaking of pies, Café 35 at Tokoma-
Yet again, we are losing another valued
rau Bay is a worthwhile stop if you after a
member Neil, who is off to roam New Zea-
pie and a coffee. Well worth the stop. So
land to find new roads to e lore eet
best find a unday and o taste the .
new people. We look forward to hearing
Longer rides to Tuitria for a coffee prove
about his adventures.
a good way to stretch the legs.
Thank you to all the Gisborne Branch
Our next group adventure is our annual
members for making our branch fabulous.
around the coast run, it's a great road to
travel. And even though we have done it
Gisborne Branch President
The Manawatu Branch has had a major
win, we have successfully run a large
rally event despite COVID-19 restrictions.
The Four Points Rally and poker run,
held o er ro last year has ust finished
with the prize-giving on Saturday 30th
October 2021. While not in the same
format as previous years, the intent of the
event was maintained and supported by
the largest number of entrants in recent
times, with 80 riders and pillions taking
part. This is despite 13 entrants from the
Auckland area being unable to participate
due to the Level 3 lockdown, who had
their entries refunded.
22 | Ulyssian DECEMBER 2021