Page 24 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 24


             need to have a courageous conversation   6.  Give priority to those in our com-  coverings required and people
             and debate around the rights and risks    munity who are immune-compro-      keeping two metres apart.
             to both groups and how we assess that.    mised. There will be vulnerable   •  Outdoor gatherings of up to 25
             There is no precedent in managing this,   people in our Branch who person-   people can go ahead, with the
             so we make it up as we go.                ally, or at home, have these chal-  removal of the two-household
              The idea behind these comments is        lenges from immune-suppressants    restriction. Physical distancing
             to have talking points as conversation    if exposed to Delta Covid.         is strongly encouraged to help
             starters. Over the next few months, a   7.  Understand hesitant vaxxers are   prevent the virus spreading between
              i ture will e er e o     s new nor al    still looking for answers, so need   households.
             but we don t  now what that will loo  li e    empathy and access to information   •  Outdoor organised exercise classes,
             how does the tra fi  li hts syste  wor     from their own trusted sources.   like yoga and bootcamps, can
             and you will probably need a vaccine   How do we keep our Branch strong      expand to 25 people, including
              ertifi ate to a  ess it.  e  now so ialis-  through this? There are a whole lot of   instructors, with two-metre physical
             in  is  ore to  lysses with rides  rally s    questions but not nearly enough an-  distancing required.
             Saturday coffees, social functions, bullshit   swers.     in no rush to  o e u  with   All other restrictions remain the same
             and banter being front and centre.   conclusions immediately as the science   as in step one.
               e hear  o  ents that  uture  esti als    will  ee  e ol in .  elta      arri e in   Soooo, we will now be able to go on
             hospitality, clubs, cafes, markets etc. hav-  Nelson, and will fear/anger change how   group rides as long as we do not exceed
             ing entry for Vax certs only. Humans crave   people think and react?      the 25 people limit. Sadly, this also means
             social interaction, so lockdowns were not   Rod O’Beirne                  that we won t be ha in  the  o e ber
             a ha  y  la e  or  ost.  e want to  et   Nelson Coordinator               Branch meeting.
             ba   to  nor al   whi h  robably in ol es                                   eather  er ittin     will be  oin  on a
             the Vax Cert, which could be the differ-  NORTH HARBOUR NEWS               ednesday  ide on the   th.
             en e between  ust li in  and ha in  a li e.   hat  an one say   e here in  u  land   I have been on a few mental health
               e need to  ra e a  on ersation where   North Harbour have been in lockdown for   rides  to the sho s .  his is one that
             we can look at fellow Ulyssians without   the past 2 ½ to 3 months. On the 9th of   shared with my branch.
             suspicion or express personal or moral   November at 11.59 pm we will enter Level   “Now I have to admit that I took my
              ud e ents and re rain  ro  ostra isin .     ste   .  or how lon  is anyone s  uess.   bike to the shops today. The route took
             So should we:                        So, what does that mean to us who live in    e down  teha  alley  oad  u      to
              1.  Accept all are happy to mix and    orth  arbour   ot a lot.  e will still be    il erdale  onto  airy  lat  d  then onto
                  mingle where individual choice   held prisoners in our boundary, but hey,    ine  alley  oad  then on to  ahi atea
                  is  ara ount.  e are indi iduals   there are some extra things that we can    lat  d  onto       shar  turn onto  ea
                  where it doesn t  atter  what you   do. These are the extra things that we will    d   ast a  lain  ra  er  o  issuin
                  ride, your religion, your politics,   be allowed to do:
                  your vaccination choices. Or:   •   etail  an o en  with
              2.  Accept all choices have conse-     customers keeping
                  quences. Society accepts you may   two metres apart, and
                   hoose to drin  al ohol but  an t   staff and customers
                  cause harm to others by drink      required to wear face
                  driving, non-smoking areas are     coverings.
                  another example. Or:            •  Public facilities
              3.  Challenge if it is freedom of choice   like libraries and
                  when it harms others, freedom of   museums can
                  choice versus freedom from harm.   reopen, with face
                   hose ri hts ha e the  oral hi h
                  ground? Or:
              4.  Believe what others say and do will
                  always be the truth. Some escape
                  quarantine borders, some may say
                  they are vaxed but are not, some
                  anti vaxers may have a lightbulb
                  moment and get vaxed, but their
                  egos will not allow them publicly to
                  voice this. Or:
              5.  Accept data shows Delta is a
                  pandemic of the unvaccinated, with
                  well over 90% of those infected
                  and hospitalised are unvaccinated.

             24  |  Ulyssian DECEMBER 2021
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