Page 28 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 28


                                                                                       home with a smile from ear to ear. Yes,
                                                                                       sir, a great 4 days.
                                                                                         Our dinner evenings we had to curtail
                                                                                       a little because of the Covid restrictions.
                                                                                       However, they are back underway again
                                                                                       now and seem to be getting more and
                                                                                       more popular. These are spread around
                                                                                       our area and are always posted on our
                                                                                       Facebook page. If visiting, you would be
                                                                                       made most welcome.
                                                                                         Sunday runs and meetings still happen
                                                                                       the second Sunday of the month. Our
                                                                                       last ride  ayne our  ran h  oordinator
                                                                                       organised, and I had a great ride pleased
                                                                                       to be sitting at the back as tail-end Charlie
             both in NZ and overseas. I know all of us   who own  ro  ider  whi h was boo ed   for a change. The meeting and lunch
             come away wanting something out of his   out fairly quickly. So, yes, we have had   afterwards had a record number attend,
             collection. He now tells me if we come   quite a variety of rides, be they long or   with a third o  our  e bershi  en oyin
             ba   there is  ore to see.  ell    a  loo -  short.                       the fellowship our branch offers.
             ing forward to it.                     In September, I organised 4 day trip    Finally, I had to cancel Twist and Turns
              As normally on a Thursday, we go to a   away to Taranaki. Only six of us decided   due to the Covid restrictions both because
             venue most weeks that other Branches   to  o  howe er  it  ade it a  ery  ood   2 of the instructors who were coming to
             are  oin  to so   don t ha e to thin   u h    group with all getting on with each other   help were in lockdown in Auckland and
              ust  lan a route.  s  ai ato  e bers    ery well.  ur first day ridin  down was    because several people who advised they
             and Norm Foster, in particular, organises   let s  ust say   ery interestin .   thin    wanted to  o e and  oin are  ro  the
             the lunch venue each week and have   enough has been said about it without me    ai ato area who were also in lo  down.
             been in lockdown, I kept trying to think of   writing more.               This was to also be a fundraising event
             different things to do. A Thursday most of   The really big highlight of our trip,    or  o en s  e u e  ha es.  e will try
             the members seem to appreciate included   though, was thanks to 3 gentlemen from   and reschedule a third time in February. I
             a visit to an outdoor Art Gallery, so yes,   Ulysses Taranaki who showed us around   will keep you all posted soon as I can.
              lysses  e bers are  ust hu an  and all   some of the many interesting sites they
             have different tastes. There were twelve   ha e.  uy s we  an t than  you enou h   Trevor Birchall   Ulysses member
             bikes on this run and four Tin Tops. Not   and hope we can return the hospitality   # 4060 WTV Scribe amongst other
             bad for a small branch.              you three gave us one day. Our third day   things.
              Our largest group of members for a   was to visit a private collection of a mem-
             Thursday run was a ride around the   ber who li es there but  ust about s ends   WAIRARAPA WHISPERINGS
             Southern Coro loop, where we picked up   as much time in our area. John, we all    i all  ro  the  airara a.
             members along the way. 17 bikes in total   en oyed seein  your toys  es e ially what   Spring is sprung, grass is growing, lambs
             at the  har  in  auanui.             you use to sweep up the leaves.      and calves aplenty, wind is variable to
              One Thursday ride also included a gold   Fourth day was our ride home, and    ani  and it s a bit  old as   write this.
             course ride put on by Karel and Howard,   although it rained off and on, we all came   As a branch we have seen a lot of our
                                                                                       planned activities curtailed due to COVID.
                                                                                       Our committee made the decision not to
                                                                                       hold branch meetings until alert levels
                                                                                       drop. Our hope is that as we reach
                                                                                       vaccination targets around the country,
                                                                                       the  lassifi ations and restri tions will
                                                                                       change and will be more favourable to
                                                                                       group events.
                                                                                       It certainly seems an age ago that a
                                                                                       nu ber o  us went to the  e e bran e
                                                                                        un in  au o.      ery  lad to ha e
                                                                                       attended  y first one  e en thou h the
                                                                                       COVID situation got a bit out of control
                                                                                       immediately thereafter.
                                                                                       So many planned rides and get togethers
                                                                                       have been cancelled or postponed since
                                                                                       then. Our planned shooting competition
                                                                                       with Taranaki Branch was one of
                                                                                       the notable cancellations. The rides

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