Page 31 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 31

Some statistics...
                                              Zero              HD Livewire
               an e   on o en road tourin     150               170

                        - urban use           250               240
              Top Speed                             h           170km/h
              Power                           72hp, 54Kw        105hp, 78Kw
              Torque                              t lbs     n      t lbs     n
                                              @1rpm             @1rpm

              0-100km/h                       3.3secs           3.0secs
                      h                       5.3secs
              Fuel cost                       Approx                                                            The fuel
                                              $1.50/100km                                                          tank

                 wave your transponder disc at the   •  Fuel consumption and bike       •  Maintenance is restricted to things
                  onne tion  oint.  ou don t wait in   performance is not noticeably       like tyres, brake pads, bearings,
                 a queue or wait for a card reader to   affected two up.                   fork oil, light bulbs, maybe coolant.
                  ay  and you won t s lash this  uel   •  Simon has done 80,000km           hat s it.
                 on your seat.                        since purchasing his Zero and
             •   Apps guide you to the charger        has experienced no noticeable    Rider Experience
                 stations, and some will tell you if   degradation in battery performance.   Simple, silent, performance, pure. No
                 there is a free charge point or when   His bike has now logged over   gears, no clutch, no vibration, no heat,
                 one will be free.                    100,000kms. The Zero is sold with   no  u es  no  etrol  no oil  no t  u h
             •   At present, the recharging           a claim of 20% battery degradation   noise, no scared wildlife, no woken
                 infrastructure seems to be growing   over 400,000kms.                 neighbours, nimble 190kg low COG.
                 and improving constantly.        •   Torque is there from start,      Full riding immersion - hear road surface
             •   You are most unlikely to be          instantaneously.                 changes, brakes engaging, birds
                 stranded by lack of fuel. No need to   •  There are some free public chargers   tweetin   wa es brea in .  ide  ery
                 find a ride to a  etrol station.  i  ly   around.                     sensibly or very not sensibly - others
                 knock on the nearest door and ask   •  Both riders comment that,       an t really tell.
                 politely. Any common three-pin wall   although there is obviously a cost
                 outlet will provide some useable     for recharging at home, it is not   Barry Brown #8485
                 recharging.                          noticeable on their electricity bill.  Kapiti Coast

                                                                                                        Free recharging
                                                                                                   courtesy of Wellington
                                                                                                           City Council

                                                                                             Ulyssian DECEMBER 2021  |  31
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