Page 33 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 33

Manawatu Branch 2021 North Island
                                           4 POINTS

                         COMPASS RALLY

                    fter a time of wonder, the
                    2020 Manawatu Branch North
                    Island 4 Points Compass
            A ally sta  ered o   to a start
            in October this year.  The event, a long
            distance poker run, has been held
            every two years since 2000.  Our riding
             o  unity were also  o er  the li itations
            COVID19 was putting on their riding
            time and this year embraced the event in                                    Ray, Colin,
            record numbers.                                                             Tim in Waihi
              The event was originally scheduled
            for October 2020, but restrictions and
            uncertainty over COVID19-Delta led us
            to re-schedule to this year.  Even so, we
            watched the pandemic pronouncements    Furthest –
            with special interest, and our delight   Trish & Chris
            in bein  one o  the  a or  otor y lin
            group events able to be completed this
            year was tempered by the sad withdrawal   point at Houhora again in the future.
            of a number of entrants impacted by     e held the final  ard and  ri e
            border closures around Auckland and   presentation last weekend at the      Lake Ferry
            the decision to proceed without North:   Bunnythorpe Tavern, attended by about
            Houhora.                              75 people.  The winning hand was a   the rally in the car.  50% of those entered
              The remaining entrants, and the     Queen-High Flush achieved by Geoff   identified as  lyssians.  his year we
            inclusion of Coromandel as an additional   Lovegrove, one of our local members   stretched the timeline for the event to take
            northern point ensured that the event   from Feilding, second was three Nines by   in  ost o    tober  rather than  ust the
            still held  u h o  it s  o  ass rally   a Himitangi rider Andre Holms, and third   two wee s around  abour  ee end.   his
            si nifi an e   orth   ast   outh and   was two  airs   in s and  ueens  by  on   helped riders to plan their involvement
             est   or what was still a re ord nu ber   Mabey, a member from Palmerston North.    ust a little better.
            of participants.                      Entrants were from all areas of the North    ho  nows what the near  uture will
              The feedback we have so far received   Island, plus a couple from the Mainland.   hold for similar events?  There was
            has been exceptional, from the generosity   The oldest rider was a Taranaki rider well   certainly plenty of interest in us continuing
            of our local commercial and motorcycling   into his eighties.              with this now-traditional event.
            spot prize sponsors, to the enthusiasm   Bike makes entered were headed    Howard A #4594
            and dealer support of our distant poker   by    s        ondas        u u i   Branch Secretary
            hand  oints at  a e  erry   ahotu   e         and a  ew o
             raroa and  oro andel  and the hostin    everything else,
            catering support at the prize-giving venue.      including a couple no
             e loo   orward to in ludin  our  orthern   longer riding who did


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