Page 30 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 30
ell, we do have one
member on an electric Harley-Davidson
motorcycle, so I sat LiveWire
down with Simon and his
friend Dan to learn a bit more about
these things. A couple of weeks earlier,
I did spot Simon in front of me on the
ae a ari i ill oad. y ee tro
was no at h or i on s ro ress o er
the hill to sa e the u u i s a e will
suggest that Simon can obviously handle
the twisty stuff better than I.
i on ar rett s sole ride is a
ero whi h he has owned or about
years. lso oinin us was i on s
friend Dan and his 2021 Harley Davidson
As a recreational motorcycle, these
appear to have very few minuses. The ellin ton and et the i ression that probably 3 recharge stops.
main detraction is that over a touring once you get used to the recharging • Slipstream makes a difference
distance, they are slow, due only to the requirements, using them becomes to both er or an e and uel
recharging time necessary. But as a “stop “normal”. i.e. you develop a different onsu tion. inds reens are
or o ee and s one afi ionado they mindset than that for a petrol-powered effective for this.
would suit me well. Both riders agreed vehicle and transport life becomes • end to use a little ore uel oin
that in the time it takes to have a coffee “ordinary”. to work than coming home. This is
and scone and answer questions from the • There is a community of electric due to it generally being colder in
inevitable onlooker/s that had gathered, otor y lists in the ellin ton a iti the mornings, and an electric motor
the bike is recharged and ready to go. area planning a 1000km, 2-day tour doesn t er or to a a ity when
Both Simon and Dan use their bikes later this year. old but it won t i etuously re use
as a regular commute over the 50k into • A 400/450 km ride will require to start if it is too cold!
Zero SR HD Livewire is liquid-cooled, which
gives the advantage of being able
to work the engine hard - e.g. track
days - with no effect. The air-cooled
Zero might get to its thermal limit and
have to have a wee rest.
• e uellin is si li ity. lu in and
The filler
30 | Ulyssian DECEMBER 2021