Page 25 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 25
some poor sod a ticket. I was sticking to doin shit you don t en oy. the desert of ignorance.
the s eed li it so didn t ha e to worry o ide ell and ide a e and ee The branch has managed to get a few
about the boys in blue issuing me a ticket. the Shiny Side Up. rides in including a Saturday morning
t this oint in the ourney hear you Rob Bissett #7822 breakfast run which was well attended.
saying, “Are we there yet?” My response, North Harbour Branch e ha e a ew unday rides lanned and
“Just hang in there, we are almost there”. President we have a date for our Xmas get-together
o then it was onto ld orth d headin on e e ber. e are also lannin
south, then another sharp right onto OTAGO OPUS an overnight trip to Coromandel which
ai ou ou alley d into ai au u ides underta en at the ti e o writin hopefully can proceed.
onto a ain throu h ua ai throu h were to Lawrence, Taiaroa Head, round I have been staying with my daughter
u eu onto i erhead d onto the block to Middlemarch. More rides are and rand ids in the ai ato whi h is
whi h is oates ille i erhead wy planned to Gore, Oamaru, Xmas BBQ under border restrictions so have not
throu h i erhead slowin to hr so rior to ew ear. ith e ent and a ti ity been able to et ho e to otorua. ha e
as to avoid getting pinged by the speed uncertainty due to Covid, the January to had to miss monthly meetings and several
camera which for your information it only April ride list will not be prepared until rides so far.
in s you oin into i erhead i your on December. It is sad to see events being cancelled. I
a bike. Through Coatesville, then it was know a couple of our club members were
onto SH31 which is the Dairy Flat Hwy planning to attend the Burt. A good bunch
down through Albany onto SH29 (Oteha o the otorua rou are still lannin to
alley d under the otorway u to attend the AGM in Christchurch so feel
ast oast d down tators e onto onfident it will ro eed. t is ood to see
len oe d onto n a and into ew the ride reports that other branches are
orld. ut by the ti e otten there putting together, it is looking good for the
had forgotten what I went to the shops summer.
or ld a e it s ettin to all o us Take care out there.
these days. Hartley Gray #6974
he definition o su ess when
you are old is oin into a roo and SOUTHLAND SCRIBBLES
Branch riders at Middlemarch
remembering what you went in there for”. hen re e tin on ran h a ti ities sin e
So, it was home to face the music of the last “Southland Scribbles”, I see that
coming home empty handed. Boy did our first lanned e ent was a ride in id
I get punished. It was straight into the August. This was most successful, with
car and off down to the testing station riders en oyin e ellent weather reat
to have an enormous stick poked up roads and scenery, plus quality socialising
my nose. I swear to God the girl was at an excellent country Tavern.
trying to perform a lobotomy on me, all e were not to now at the ti e that
this because Annette and I are escaping this would be our one and only Branch ac-
Auckland for a few days. Annette is tivity for some considerable time to come.
working in New Plymouth, and I am the As with our fellow Branches, the restric-
o dri er. s there are no i hts out o tions imposed as a result of the Govern-
Auckland, we have to drive down, got to ent s res onse to brou ht all
be some perks being an essential worker. his is the final edition o the lyssian planned group activities to a grinding halt.
ell that s y sha y do story or this ut to ether by aul o and It was not until mid-October that a group
month. If you have hung in with me to this would like to thank him for his passion, o e bers were able to eet and en oy
point, you deserve a medal as we are commitment and quality of work a ride to u sden or lun h at the oute
there now. undertaken over the years. a . his the e ontinued with a s all
on t worry ra ti ed so ial distan in Mike 7808 rou eetin to so ialise and en oy
and didn t et any loser than etres some excellent food at a local café later in
of any other vehicles. Never spoke to ROTORUA NEWS the month.
anyone, had my helmet on with whiskers here s that da n as ou an t Looking to the future, the Branch Com-
tucked in the equivalent to a mask (rather o e in here. ee your distan e. e mittee continue to plan and publish an
irritatin on the nose and ne er burst y an t ride to that destination. Event Calendar and remain optimistic
bubble. In spite of being a club with a motto that we will have better fortune with these
hen there was the ride to find the oat of Grow Old Disgracefully, I think we are planned events.
sland eser e ountdown. e didn t very much the type of people who comply hat s it or e. o e ully there will be
find it but it was a reat ride and yes we with the expected Covid restrictions. a little bit more “stuff” to comment on next
practice all the rules, well most of them. Having said that, I do know of some time.
ell that s about all ro orth arbour. people who hold the conspiracy theory e ards to all.
And remember that “Life is too short to be ethos regarding the whole Covid thing. No RossL
point sprinkling the waters of wisdom on #1177
Ulyssian DECEMBER 2021 | 25