Page 23 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 23


             The biggest change was the North point   Taihape to Kimbolton. Eighteen bikes,   MARLBOROUGH MUSINGS
             of the 4 points was changed to the 4   so e with  illions  en oyed the day and   Greetings everyone from the top of the
             Square Supermarket in Coromandel     picnic lunch at the Tangiwai Memorial.   south. It only seems like a couple of
             township from the traditional Houhora   Thankfully the weather was favourable,   wee s a o   sent the last arti le in.  e
             point in the Far North. Given the Auckland   and e eryone en oyed the ride.  have been lucky enough to have two long
             lockdown boundary, Coromandel was as   The branch ride for October was run as   weekends in a row in Marlborough with
             far north as you could go at the time. The    art o  the    oints  ally  with a  rou    labour day and then Marlborough anni-
             other points are Lake Ferry in the South   ride to the Lake Ferry pub for lunch (and   versary and we were pretty lucky with the
               ood fish    hi s    ahotu in the  est    drawin  their first  o er  ard .  round   weather as well making for some great
             and Te Araroa in the East. Big thanks to   28 bikes, including a couple of CanAm   riding. Some of the Marlborough team did
             the businesses who tolerated motorcy-    yders   oined in a  reat ride south   the annual run to Pohara for the Marlbor-
             clists drawing cards for the poker run.    ia  an a aire and the  estern side   ough anniversary weekend where lots of
             Another big thanks to the branch commit-  o   a e  airara a.  o e o  the bran h   disgraceful behaviour generally happens
             tee, especially our secretary, for all the   members and supporters made the trip in   along with a lot of fun.
             effort that went in to organise and run this   a couple of cars. It was good to see Les   Despite the whole Covid thing we have
             very successful event.                adda ord ta in  the o  ortunity to  oin   been very lucky here in level 2 still able to
             The prize-giving at the Bunnythorpe Tav-  in despite having some health issues that    et out and about.  e are still doin  the
             ern saw around se enty fi e  eo le en oy   stopped him riding. After a good feed of    aturday  o  ee  ornin s at the  unway
             drin s and e  ellent fin er  ood be ore the   fish    hi s  it was o   ho e  ia  artin-   a    oodbourne where we ha e a  ood
             spot prizes were awarded by drawing en-  borou h and  on bush  oad.       turn out and our club nights are still prov-
             trant numbers from a hat and the results   Unfortunately, COVID is still impacting   ing popular and the Thursday rides are
             of the poker run. The winner was Geoff   e ents  with the re ent  lassi   e ister   going from strength to strength getting
             Lovegrove from Manawatu Ulysses with   ra e  eetin  at  anfield bein   an elled   bigger numbers (but not over the people
             a s ade  ush.  e too  away the to   ri e   and now the annual Coast to Coast char-      li it .
             of $750.00 in cash. The branch acknowl-  ity ride being postponed. Hopefully the    e are still  lannin   or our annual
             edges the support of the local motorcycle   summer will be a good one and we can   toy run on Saturday 11th of December,
             and automotive retailers, with some great    et out and en oy the sunshine  war    fin ers  rossed we don t ha e to  an el
             prizes being provided by AFC, Evolution   temperatures, dry roads and light winds.  due to Covid lock down. I have seen many
             Motorcycles, Courtesy Motorcycles, City   Be safe on the roads.           events being bigger than usual and I
             Honda and Supercheap Autos.          Murray Cross #7908                   thin  it s be ause we aren t able to tra el
             The September branch ride was a      Manawatu Co-Ordinator                around as much and people are doing
                   route set by  olin  orsley that                                     more locally so hopefully the same hap-
             encompassed some of his favourite                                         pens with our toy run.
             roads. These included the backroad from                                    Later on that day we are having our
             Hunterville to Fordell, the Paraparas,                                    Christmas party at the car club rooms
             Fields Track and the country roads behind                                 at Omaka where roast on the run will be
                                                                                        re arin  the  east  or us to en oy and fin-
                                                                                       ish off a busy day. No doubt Santa will be
                                                                                       there findin  out who has been nau hty
                                                                                       or nice.
                                                                                         ell  that s about all   ha e  or now so
                                                                                       en oy the  a a ine   et out on the bi e
                                                                                       where ever possible, stay disgraceful but
                                                                                       most of all stay safe out there
                                                                                       Tim Wills #9600
                                                                                       Marlborough Branch Coordinator

                                                                                       NELSON NIBBLINGS
                                                                                       Our Nelson branch has adopted and im-
                                                                                        le ented the ta line   ide  i es   a e
                                                                                        un   oo  out  or ea h  ther   but  o id
                                                                                       has put a whole new set of tensions into
                                                                                       maintaining our tagline.
                                                                                         e ha e  a  inated  e bers who
                                                                                       endorse a science and evidence-based
                                                                                       approach to Covid and vaccinations and
                                                                                       members who gather information from
                                                                                       alternative sources and choose not to
                                                                                       be  a  inated  or their own reasons.  e

                                                                                             Ulyssian DECEMBER 2021  |  23
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