Page 26 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 26
day ro au o.
t s nearly ti e or as holidays and
road trips as you read this.
Us in Taupo have planned a trip to Nel-
son for 14 of us for a week and then down
to Alexandra for a couple of days on the
ta o ail rail on ush bi es e bi es or
ost o us . e will be down that way in
the second half of February, and a visit to
the Ulysses tree in Twizel is in the plans.
e will a e sure to water it.
TARANAKI TALES nearby borders at Level 3, we are limited ast abour ee end we held the nd
It feels like not much has happened as in what we can do for our members. The nnual i e un in au o. es ite se -
a Ulysses Club over the last couple of club night is on hold till we can get down eral lo downs in u land and ai ato
onths. e e or anised rides and then to level 1 again – hopefully soon. we had a good turnout with 38 bikes. The
cancelled them due to bad weather. But e are startin u the ie and int rides weather held out or the day ust as
the weather is i ro in and there s lots which is a great summer weeknight ride had promised, and it was very successful
to look forward to. u h en oyed by our e bers. without any dramas. Stag Park is a good
ortunately o us en oyed an o er- ew riders ro the ha es aihi enue or the start and finish with eals
nighter at Dawson Falls. The weather did branch visited Taranaki in late September. and coffee available.
not matter as we were staying in a lodge rae e eston arry ayliss and The winner was Denise Henderson,
above the snow line at Dawson Falls. took them on a tour around some of our and 2nd was Hawkes Bay president Mac
e had a reat ti e tra in u to the a ourite roads. hey thorou hly en oyed Macaulay. They kindly donated their
ools en oyin ood ood and o any the ride, and we ended their visit with a winnin s ba to the o an s e u e
and generally misbehaving as we should. lovely dinner out. who we were fundraising for. Thanks to
t was a fine war day when we set out e en oyed an o erni hter to han- Glenno for organising a great day with the
from home. A few of us independently ganui in October. This was well attended hel o an and i el. ell done.
thought we were going to ride up to Daw- by Taranaki members, with 10 people In November, our branch had an over-
son Falls, but each of us were told by our staying overnight and three others coming nighter going from Taupo to Taihape and
pillion this was not going to happen - in no or a day ride. airara a ran h had fi e over the Gentle Annie to Napier and back
uncertain terms. Just as well! They were members attend. The intention was to to Taupo the next day. 12 people went
vindicated, as at the top of the car park, it et to ether with the airara a bran h and had a good trip.
was an icy mess, and we would have had and do some competitive shooting, but Other than that, we have our regular
some serious traction problems! this could not take place due to level 2. Sunday rides with good turnouts and
e ha e had so e riders learnin the art Instead, most of us went on a great ride plenty coming up. The Xmas party will
o ad enture ridin . e also ha e so e alon the han anui i er and loo ed be at illia and e s la e and an
members who are highly competent in back via SH4. Great rides. The rest overnighter to New Plymouth is planned
this. As many members have bikes that stayed at the camp and “chilled.” for January. Then a big trip down south.
would be suitable for adventure riding, e ontinue to ha e our tu ble nn Sounds good to me.
this opens the opportunity to offer some lunch which is very well attended and Finally, to quote Chinese twins Ying and
adventure rides for members. en oyed. Yang about the inevitability of life, “Fly on
Unfortunately, a few of our members, e are loo in orward to u er and toilet seat soon ets issed o .
or their family, are currently battling with hopefully a drop in Levels. Cheers,
so e or o in ury at the o ent. he Rick #7552
Committee, fellow club members and I Keep safe everyone!
wish them well and hope their recovery is Martin Peyerl #9483 TAURANGA BRANCH
speedy and successful. President t the ti e o writin tryin to or an-
Under level 2 Covid restrictions, and with Ulysses Taranaki Branch ise a November branch evening and a
December social meal around vaccina-
tion requirements, knowing I have some
unvaxxed members.
t s ro in to be testin ollowin a
spring where Covid restrictions have led
to all sorts of event postponements and
cancellations. Everyone has an opinion.
Members have been doing their best
to be involved in riding socially since the
national Level 4 restrictions ended, as we
know some other branches have it worse.
26 | Ulyssian DECEMBER 2021