Page 34 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 34


                                                aihi  ha es  alley
                           ESCAPE AFTER


                                      Bonnie and I wanted to escape as soon as we could
                                             after being locked up because of Covid.

                    s we don’t live in Auckland and
                    soon as I thought we could
                    escape, I decided to advertise
             Aon Ulysses WTV Facebook
             page a four day holiday. Being locked
             up, I had plenty of time to think about it
             and what I wanted to do. Go to Taranaki
             to ride some of those great narrow roads
             around Mt Egmont. Well that’s what it
             was called when I last rode those roads.
             The other thing I wanted to do was walk
             along the waterfront in New Plymouth as I
             am always seeing it advertised and I had
             never done it.
              Step one, find accommodation at a     The team of
             reasonable price, walking distance to   escapees
             places for meals etc. and not far from the
             waterfront. Ducks and Drake Boutique   could not have a group more than ten.  we were told we were in for rain. Next
             Motel / Hostel. Done.                 Now all go, six of us confirmed and   leg was straight down to Tokoroa and on
              Step two, write to the President of the   booked and Monday 20th September   to Whakamaru for a break and separate
             Taranaki Ulysses Branch to see if they   was our day to escape. Wayne on his   into two groups as I wanted to do a
             had any retired members who could    Beema, Chris on his Guzi, Philip on his   20-minute walk to see the Matia trees
             take a group around some of those    Beema, Karel and Howard on their Duke’s   in the North Island. Only Philip decided
             very narrow roads up on the side of the   and of course yours truly on Bonnie.  to join me. Wrong decision Philip as
             mountain, visit Egmont Visitors Centre,                                   first I took the wrong road and got lost,
             Dawson Falls and go through one of   Day 1                                and second I made a stupid decision to
             those famous narrow tunnels. Done.   We all met at the Bottle in Paeroa   go walking anyway, even if not the one
              Step three, advertise on our branch   8:30am, everyone knew the planned   planned. The road to get there was a little
             Facebook page. (I must say I felt just a   route which was really just to keep off the   gravel, a lot of potholes and wet muddy
             little guilty as every other time I organised   main roads where we could. As my body   clay. I stopped to look at a sign which
             such a tour I always invited friends from   is not what it used to be, I arranged stops   did not really tell us anyway, and Philip
             Auckland, well that really was not going   every hour to stretch the legs. Putaruru   had a little slide. Some people camping
             to happen.) Always going to limit to eight   was our first stop for morning tea. The   there came to the rescue, and after a little
             people in case the government said we   weather was behaving itself even though   panel beating and duck tape, we were
              Phillip & Trevor
              took a diversion

                                                                      Trevor not exactly
                                                                      hugging a tree, but

             34  |  Ulyssian DECEMBER 2021
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