Page 35 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 35
Taranaki tour
Highway 3, it was hell for leather to New however did manage a couple of shots.
Trev & Plymouth. We arrived there about 5:00 Back on the bike, we continued on
his Bonnie
pm after 488.8kms when the others only some fantastic motorcycle roads around
rode about 330kms. I must admit though, the famous Mountain, only getting the
the others did have a cold beer waiting odd glimpse of it through the clouds until
for us on our arrival. Thanks, guys. We we proceeded up to the Egmont Visitors
then walked into town for dinner, then Centre, and there it was in all its glory. If
early night for me. you have not been there, I suggest you
put it on your bucket list as well worth it.
Day 2 Although the Cafe was not open, we were
After breakfast, three tour guides turned still able to walk through the building and
up, Martin the Taranaki Branch President, take in views.
who took the day off work, Graeme and Back on the bikes again and more
Harry. These three guy’s made our day. narrow country roads through to Stratford
They were extremely professional to for lunch. The place our tour guides
explain what the plan of attack was for planned on taking us to was closed,
the day. First was to see an old swing however, they found another cafe which
bridge which I believe is the only one in was extremely good value and I for one
the country being used for vehicles today. enjoyed my meal. I should point out they
Whatever, I did not know it existed and even had chips for Wayne because he is
under way again. was quite impressed. not allowed to have them at home.
The walk through the Rimu Forest was Next, left right left right straight across Next stop was Dawson Falls. Again
well worth it, or I thought so anyway. cross then left right and I could go on if you have not been there, put it on
Quite steep and a lot longer than the one as I had no idea where we were then. your bucket list. We all walked up to the
planned on the other side of the Pureora We went on a very narrow road and viewing platform here, and Harry was
Forest. stopped at the entrance to a tunnel. I explaining that was the best dairy farming
Back on the road and well off course, apologise here to our tour our guides area in NZ. I didn’t want to contradict
I made contact with the other group as I manoeuvred past them on their him as where I live on the Hauraki Plains,
who gave up waiting for us started left, which I normally would not do as the dairy farmers there say they have the
backtracking and plotting a route to New I wanted a photo of everyone coming best land for dairy farming in NZ. How
Plymouth. This time I listened to my GPS, through the tunnel. would I know? I am just an old retired city
we found some great back roads but Passing on the left for me is a no no. I boy. I was the only one who walked down
don’t ask me where we were as really I was a little slow trying to find somewhere to the falls. It was worth it only I think
have no idea. Eventually, back on State to park Bonnie safe and run back there are better around the country.
Ulyssian DECEMBER 2021 | 35