Page 32 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 32
Motorcycling is primarily about what goes on inside your head. otential or badness about to ha en and a t a ordin ly. his
Both my previous articles mentioned this. is 99% head stuff. If you accept stopping bad things happening
I want to start building on what goes on in your head. A good is your own responsibility, you stand a much better chance of
place to start is accepting responsibility. The one thing you never staying upright.
want to ha en is an ident so let s tal about idents and Think back to any motorcycle misadventure you have had and
how to hel ensure your own tay i ht ess. thin about what ha ened. hat ould you ha e done to sto it
Now, I have had a few misadventures myself, and by my own
AN ACCIDENT IS ALWAYS defi nition it is always y ault.
Ok kids, storytime. I have a great personal example. I was
YOUR FAULT. once involved in a four-vehicle pile-up involving a Commodore,
my Bike, a Mini and a Great Big Truck whilst stopped with my feet
on the ground.
But, you say – that guy wearing the hat (always beware of y habit whilst tra ellin in hea y o uter tra fi was to
dri ers in hats in the ol o ust ulled out ri ht in ront o e lane s lit and ee out o the line o tra fi . ot sto ed by a
didn t ha e a han e. policeman who disagreed with me and waived his big copper
I say this is bollocks. You should always consider yourself at fi n er at e and told e was a nau hty boy and don t do it
fault because you need to believe that there is always something again.
you can do to prevent an accident. The legal or insurance ew days later ridin in hea y tra fi the o odore in ront
defi nition o ault in your arti ular ir u stan e ay oint threw out lots of brakes, so I did the same and I stopped behind
the fi n er at the hat wearer but you need to a e t ersonal it. I knew this was bad. I remember thinking it at the time, going
responsibility, and you need to do this before any accident. down beside it was a much better idea. But I deliberately watched
I repeat: An Accident is ALWAYS your fault. the Mini behind me stop safely and looked up to see why the big
You need to think and act like you always have a chance to stop in a hurry.
avoid an accident. You need to choose to see the badness (or Then I heard a screech of brakes and BANG. I am getting up
o the road. reat i ru didn t sto trans or ed the ini
You could be enjoying into a small ute, parked it on my bike and bounced me off the
o odore. i e ob
great fuel savings every hat had done to rote t ysel was si nifi ant but not
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To me, it was my fault I got upended. Following the rules
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Listen to the voices in your head (like not being happy stopping
behind the o odore . you eel so ethin is wron i nore it
at your peril.
c c c Tony Allen # 08420
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Tony is a Club Mentor and has been since the mentor system was fi rst
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Rider nutters.
32 | Ulyssian DECEMBER 2021