Page 37 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 37
Day 4
Our ride home. As the weather forecast was shit, we decided to
take an almost direct route home. Straight up Highway 3, stopping
fi rst at Mokau as that is about an hour’s ride, so time to stretch
the legs but importantly so Chris could have his whitebait fritter.
So far we had dodged the rain, only our next leg we were not as
lucky as the heavens opened up. We are all seasoned riders, so
Say hello to Dallas & Joanne.
did not really deter us as it is just a matter of plodding on. Second Full-time Star Insurance Specialist
stop was Otorohanga, then on to Kihikihi before heading inland employees. Part time supermodels.
to Arapuni and one of our favourites the Rhubarb Cafe for lunch.
Although we had some clear spells then around a corner and back
into the rain. I guess the weather forecast man got it right for a
change. Stopped at Putaruru to fi ll up and say our goodbyes. I The motorcycle
led the ride from there through Whites Rd and on to Old Te Aroha insurance revolution
Rd heading for home. I kept looking in the mirror and saw bike
lights behind me to Te Aroha, so just kept going. Unfortunately, began here
Philip had a puncture on that leg, and I had not realised. However,
Wayne and Chris stopped and had enough gear between them to Let us protect you from a disaster at
fi x the tyre and see him safely home.
claims time.
It was another very memorable trip away with great company. Before we launched in the 80s, specialised motorcycle
Total kms for me were 1,104 from door to door, although I know insurance didn’t exist. Today, we provide the most highly
Philip and I did quite a bit more than the others. There is a saying tuned, customised motorcycle insurance available. If
what happens on tour stays on tour, only I know it is going cost me you’re not with us, you have everything to gain by visiting
at our next Club meeting. When I organise a tour, everyone has to our website anytime for a no-pressure, online quote.
We’ll then personally customise it with options you can
have a turn at leading sometimes and I think everyone did at some choose. The only harm in not getting a quote from Star
stage even if we had to twist Howard’s arm. could be when you make a claim.
Get the best protection for your bike and gear
Trevor Birchall before you need it.
Ulysses member # 4060
It is important to note that limits, excesses, exclusions, terms and
conditions apply. Please refer to your individual quote and policy
PS: Bonnie is now clean and looking forward to the next trip. document for details.
It turned wet Call us on:0800 250 600
for the trip
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Promo code: ulysses