Page 38 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 38


                              THE LONGEST

                                          DAY RIDE

                                PEOPLE AND


                   .25am the 6th of November,     the Longest Day three times before on   maps on different days showed this route
                   James appears out of the night   my V-Strom 650, twice riding the circuit   to be 1002 or 998 k’s. To ensure we ride
                   gloom – it is the morning of the   taking in Haast Pass and once down   the requisite 1000km, we make a short
             5Longest Day 1000 kilometre          SH1 and back up the centre through   in and out trip to Westport, giving us a
             ride. The previous evening I went to bed   Omarama. This will be the first time   dozen or so extra k’s.
             early and fortunately dropped off quickly   I head north, the first time riding the    At the Yaldhurst Tavern, Chris Carey,
             and got a good night’s sleep. My alarm   Triumph, and the first time I will be riding   the coordinator of the Canterbury Ulysses
             woke me at 5.00 am. I allowed myself   with a buddy. James and I have ridden   is there to wave us farewell along with
             30 minutes to get ready, 10 minutes to   thousands of kilometres together, and we   half a dozen other riders - I know there
             eat, 10 minutes to get into my bike gear   know what works for us.        are others who have either not arrived
             and 10 minutes for stuff-ups and to roll    The course I mapped out for us leaves   or started elsewhere. There is always a
             the bike out of the garage. At 5.30, give   from Pegasus where we both live to the   stuff-up. James comes to me that he has
             or take a minute, James and I are on our   YaldHurst Tavern for the start (of sorts as   forgotten his cell phone. We elect to go
             bikes. He on his 1993 Honda CBR1000,   it is unofficial). From the Tavern, we ride   get it and are the first to leave. James has
             me on my 2007 Triumph Tiger 1050.    north to Culverden, Springs Junction,   not forgotten his cell phone, it slipped out
              I was always going to do the Longest   Reefton, Greymouth, along the coastal   of his jacket pocket (how?) and is lying
             Day Ride, but James only decided 10   road to Punakaiki, Murchison, Blenheim,   in the communal driveway of the units
             days or so before the event. I have ridden   Kaikoura to finish at Pegasus. Google   we live in, surely to have been run over
                                                                                       had we not collected it. Ironically that
                                                                                       small diversion into Pegasus is probably
                                                                                       enough to ensure we do 1000km without
                                                                                       going to Westport.
                                                                                         We head north, and though not
                                                                                       scheduled, we stop at Culverden and
                                                                                       refuel, although there is no need to do so.
                                                                                       The early morning is cool, but it is cold
                                                                                       in the shade as we ride over Lewis Pass.
                                                                                       Traffic is light to non-existent as we ride
                                                                                       to Springs Junction. At Springs Junction,
                                                                                       it is a beautiful, warm, cloudless day. We

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