Page 36 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 36


              Nice collection
              of rides

                                                       of the famous walks around New   to see a long lost friend.
                                                       Plymouth. Wayne and I were up    Only 5 of us now, and as John had
                                                       early, so walked down to the    invited us to his place to see his toys,
                                                       waterfront and headed North as I   what he wasn’t expecting was five
                                                       wanted to see the famous Rewa   drowned rats walking into his place
                                                       Bridge that I see on most of the   dripping water everywhere. We left when
                                                       tourist leaflets. We passed Philip   it was dry, but 100m down the road,
                                                       on the path, who was coming     the rain came down. As we were only
                                                       back from his walk probably a   going 3 km, most of us did not put all our
                                                       couple kms from home, only      motorcycle gear on and unfortunately, my
                                                       he wanted to get back before    baggy pants got stuck on the footpeg,
              Back on the bikes and head out to the   the weather changed. We passed Surf   and my leg could not get to the ground
             coast, not quite to the westernmost point   Clubs, Golf Course Camping Grounds   quick enough, so I will leave it to your
             of the North Island but one of the oldest   and a ton of driftwood. This really is a   imagination only my pride was extremely
             lighthouses still in use today. Again I was   pleasant walk, and the path is well used   hurt. Arrived at John’s with both John and
             the only one who walked up to it, so if   by locals. Cyclists going to work, joggers   Pam giving us a great welcome and a
             you want to know more about it get off   putting us to shame, people walking their   beautiful lunch.
             your bike and walk up to it and read the   dogs and others just holding hands and   The highlight, though, was to be taken
             sign.                                having a pleasant stroll. Sorry Wayne, I   down to his garage to see not only the
              There we said goodbye to our tour   was not going to hold your hand. On the   Corvet and the Classic Bikes but a 1936
             guides, and Howard led us back to    river bank there were people fishing, and   Armstrong Sidley aeroplane engine. The
             our accommodation only the heavens   further up, many hoping to have whitebait   biggest surprise to all of us was when
             opened up, and the last 20kms was quite   fritters for breakfast. All that I talked to   he stared it up as he wanted to sweep
             wet.                                 were going to go home hungry.        the leaves in the backyard. To see the
              That night two of our tour guides joined   Then the famous Bridge came into   expression on John’s face was fantastic.
             us with their wives, and John, a local   view. Yes, it is impressive and I am   He really loves to show off the passion for
             member, his partner Pam a member of   certainly glad I made the effort. Most of   his toys and good on you John.
             our Branch meant twelve for dinner and   the photos, though show the mountain in   A quick ride back to the Hostel and
             we all had a very nice Thai Banquet. A   the background. No mountain at all, just   a quiet afternoon as the rain just kept
             very relaxing enjoyable night it was too.  a lot of cloud. Then it was the walk back   coming down. We walked down to a
                                                  to our accommodation, and almost back   pub, had a couple of beers and played
             Day 3                                there, it started to drizzle – 8.2kms, just   scrabble. Didn’t finish the game but a
             This day was always advertised as a   what the Doctor ordered. Wayne then   good laugh. Quiet meal back at our digs
             free day as my intention was do some   hopped on his bike and rode to Stratford   and a feely early night.

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