Page 11 - My Clinic Employee Handbook Draft V.1
P. 11
Dr James Ryan | Medical Director | Revised 12/12/18
induction pack for doctors is an online medical platform and a national provider of medical, pharmacy, ancillary health services
as well as healthcare IT solutions.
General practitioners are employed by to deliver online consultations via video chat or telephone
consultations, review blood results and inform patients, and generate repeat prescriptions for patients after
reviewing patient questionnaires.
1) Online consultations
2) Blood results and STI testing results
3) Repeat prescribing
4) Responding to patient queries
Doctors should be assessed for suitability to work for They should have appropriate General practice
qualification (MICGP or equivalent). CV should be provided and kept on record in accordance with data
protection regulations. Appropriate interview should be carried out to assess suitability for position. This should
be carried out by Dr Daniel Clear or Dr James Ryan. This is to ensure the doctor has appropriate level of
experience and can communicate at an appropriate level for the specific role required.
Documentation such as medical indemnity cover certificate, sufficient for their clinical role, as well as medical
council certificate should be kept on file. It is the responsibility of the above-mentioned doctors to gather and
maintain this documentation.
Doctors employed should be engaged with Continuous professional development with the appropriate
governing body. Audit can be facilitated through
1) Online consultations:
Doctors can be rostered for consultations during the daytime working hours from 08.00am to 20.00pm. This is
to work alongside pharmacy opening hours.
Patients book in for consultations under a specific doctor. There is a booking alert message which is received in
the email account This confirms the booking time and receipt of payment. The doctor on duty
should continually monitor this account during the daytime and respond to patient queries. The doctor should
open the patient file under Consultation section bar on the left side of the drop-down menu. Upcoming
consultations bar should be selected. The upcoming consultations will be visible to the doctor here. The doctor
should enter the patients file prior to consultation time.
To commence a video consultation the doctor should click on the link at the bottom right hand side of the
Electronic health record.
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